Chapter 1: A Melancholy Memory

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Hello everyone who is beginning the great read. Currently editing away at my chapters that I wrote nearly three years ago. Jeeeez I've nearly died of cringe :,( anyways. Welcome to A Common Ground! Enjoy, always - mt x

 Welcome to A Common Ground! Enjoy, always  - mt x

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Hermione sighed. She had arrived in front of the large steel gates. She glanced up at the terrifying 'M' that seemed to stare at her. She re-thought the whole plan and went to turn away but the words of the Minister rang in her ears.

"You are the only candidate, the only one this world needs but there's things that not even my family know of, this is the responsibility you must carry and this is the duty you must preform".

The letter touched her side, it's corner poking her leg and her eyes fell to it.
"What in Merlin's name am I afraid off ? "She thought.

But in her minds eye the image reappeared. She raised her hand to her throat, reminiscing of the throat destroying screams she had done and the countless tears that fell. She shook her head and cleared her throat .
"War's over Hermione" She reminded herself and pushed the buzzer that stood on the right hand side of the gate.
" Dora must ask for you to state your name please " Hermione's eyebrows shot up, she thought all house elves left the business of... being a house elf .
"Uh?, Hermione Granger"

Immediately the gates opened and magic removed in front of her in a golden light. A large buzzing noise echoed and Hermione walked up the large hill and began her way toward Malfoy Manner. Her stomach churned, nerves seemed to seep through her veins as much as blood. She wasn't scared of what lay ahead, but the counter part of why she received a letter from Draco Malfoy was beyond her and why the Minister had urged her to go? and take up his offer of breakfast at the manner.
Why she was so nervous? Maybe it was the fact that she knew that Lucius and Narcissa maybe eating along with them. She never held grudges against them, she was to mature for that, it's why her and Ron fell apart so quickly but something in her stomach hoped that awkward air would not fill the extraordinary mansion.

Which from here she now realised how much it had bettered it's self. The house was a bright white colour, far from it's grey and crumbling state she'd seen it last but bright with beautiful gardens at each side.

Last night, she was going to change her mind however, Harry came to her house for tea;along with Ginny. Assuring her that Draco nor his parents would harm her. Though that was not her worry,he explained how he and Draco has actually befriended each other, not the best of buds but found common ground and that someone had brought their rival to it's end. She did question who this person was but he simply smiled and answered
"Go have breaky, everything will clear up then".

She took a deep breathe as she reached the steps, the cold air filling her lungs. It was 7:30 am and it was a week or so after summer had ended;If Britain actually classed it as summer, few sunny days and but the rain haunted them once more and here Autumn came.
She raised her hand and knocked on the door. She straightened her black trousers and clasped her fingers in front of her. She was dressed for work, a black pant suit with a white shirt and a black dress coat that rested over it. Though she regretted the heels now.
Her hair now just passed her shoulder, came in soft brown waves and short strands often fell in her face, she felt pretty. With one last check of her appearance with a mirror in her bag, the door opened.

"Minister Granger, please do come in" A old-ish man greeted her, clearly a butler.She sent him a smile and stepped in being welcomed by warmth of the house. He closed the door
"May I take your jacket ?" He wondered. She nodded and allowed him to take it from her shoulders and placed it on a coat rack beside the door.
She played with her hands and glanced around the dark oak built house.
"Master Malfoy will just be with you " The Butler stated and walked down the longest hallway she had ever seen.

She could see all the way to the other part of the house, portraits hung side by side, all having a conversation between themselves. She looked up to the roof , seeing the beautiful hand painted mural that reminded her of a chapel or museum.
"Minister Granger has arrived Sir" She heard the Butler say as he looked into a room not so far from her. She turned her head to him. "Thank you Eli " She heard that voice, that chilling voice that used to mutter a two syllable word that ruined her. She could hear it now

'Filthy little mud-blood'

She chewed on her bottom lip. "Tell Dory and Dora to be gather her Lady's clothes".
"Of course Master Malfoy" Eli bowed his head and left the room and turned to the left, smiling to Hermione in the process. She returned it and her eyes followed him.
"Ms Granger " She heard and turned her head back to the front and it took all she could do not cause a reaction in her face.
But merely sucked in a sore breath .
"I'm so glad you agreed to come" Draco said, with a smile.
A smile ?, A SMILE ?, since when does Draco Malfoy smile. He extended a hand to her, she quickly took it.
She answered with a smile of her own;They shook hands.
"Please, call me Malfoy, for old times sake" He said with a playful tone. She nodded with a confused grin .
"Alright , so what assistance do you need ?" She asked with genuine curiosity. He smirked
'There he is' she thought.

His blonde hair still long but less boyish, his features hardened, less of a round face but sharp. Dark stumble covered his lower face and his bright blue eyes were as blue as the first day she laid eyes on them. She'd be a fool not to admit, heck she'd admit to herself back in the day when he taunted her, that Draco Malfoy was a handsome young man, if he didn't have the personality of a wet mop and of course the prejudice pumping through his veins, heck she'd admit it to him. Now it was different, he was different, he was a man and one with a heart it seemed, she wasn't convinced just yet .
"Follow me" He merely said and she scrunched her brow.

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