See You Again

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See You Again (Safe And Sound Part II):


"Y/N! We came as soon as we heard. Have you seen the package A sent?" Spencer Hastings said as she and the other girls entered the house.

"Yeah I just saw it" I answered. I looked at Aria to see her already staring at me. I gave her a smile. At the corner of my eye, I can see Lauren glaring at Aria. Looking at Aria again, she walked towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around her shoulders and hugged her.

"What are we going to do? Is this a sign A wants us back? That we should return to Rosewood?" Hanna Marin questioned. Me and Aria were busy hugging each other. Almost like we missed our relationship.

Back at Rosewood, we used to date. After her relationship with Mr Fitz, she was a crying mess and I was there for her. Her feelings from our English teacher moved to me, her best friend. I also like her, more than friends. We tested it out for a few days until we discovered we truly do love each other. We told the girls about our relationship and they approved. We dated for a year.

When A stooped bothering us for a while year, we decided to leave Rosewood and start a new life. Aria told me she'll be going to California, and I'm on my way to New York. It was hard having those long distance relationships until we rarely talk.

So for short, we have no idea what we are now. Guess we're back together....

I think.

"Hello? Love birds? Snap out of it!!" Hanna said, snapping her fingers in front of our faces. "W-What?" I asked.

"Come on we have to focus here. A is back" Emily Fields said.

I looked at the other 5H girls to see them giving us confused looks.

"Uhm hi? We're here too y'know" Ally said. Rosewood girls ignored her.

"Come on! We want to help Y/N and you guys too" Camila said. Emily, Spencer and Hanna looked at her and the other girls. "Who are these people, Y/N?" Spencer asked.

"These are the people I met in New York. Normani, Ally, Dinah, Camila and Lauren. Guys this is Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Aria, they're the girls I met in Rosewood" I introduced.

This literally feels like we're gonna fight each other. Cause like, five against five.

"Okay first of all, who the hell is A?" Lauren asked. "We don't know!" Emily exclaimed. "Why would you attack someone you don't even know?" Camila asks.

"Can you please just shut up?! You don't know anything" Emily shouted. "Then tell us everything! We want to help!" Normani said.

"Fine, give us one good reason why we should let you help us" Spencer challenged.

"Because it involves my girlfriend" Lauren said, looking at me. "I'm dating Y/N" she adds.
I felt Aria tensed up in my arms. She looks a me. "I think you're mistaken here, but I am Y/N's girlfriend. I dated her even when we were at Rosewood" Aria said, holding my hand.

"Yes but you left her" Lauren hissed.

"I still love her" Aria said. "And from what I felt earlier, she still loves me"

"Y/N loves me" Lauren said.

"No. She loves me. I've known her longer than you"

Emily, Hanna and Spencer stood beside me. "What the hell" Hanna whispered. "Two girls are fighting for you" Emily added.

"Y/N's mine!" Lauren shouted. "What makes you think Y/N's still into you? You look like you fuck people every weekend"

Gasps were heard. "Lauren! What the fuck!" I shouted, rushing over to Aria and pulled her in my arms again.

"She deserves it. She's acting like a total bitch!" Lauren snapped.

I slapped her.

My relationship with Lauren Jauregui is completely unknown. We met because I bumped into Dinah when I was at Starbucks. And Lauren seemed to fancy me and started to flirt with me. I flirted back a couple of times. But that only made me confuse.

Others think we're a couple already. Maybe all the flirting I fired back made her think I feel the same.

But I still love Aria.

The 5H girls gasped when I slapped the or friend in the face. "Y/N! You're taking her side?" Camila asked, hugging Lauren's side.

"She's my girlfriend" I snapped back, tightly hugging Aria. Louder gasps from the 5H girls were heard.

Hurt filled Lauren's eyes. "What? But I thought-"

"It's not true, Lauren. I'm sorry" I said. "Y/N please. You can't do this to me, I'm sorry" Lauren cried, walking towards me but Aria took me away from her.

"I... I love you Y/N. I know you feel the same for me too"

I sighed and turned to face the Rosewood girls. "Come on. We can talk about A at my place. It's not that far from here" I mumbled.

They nod their heads and left Camila's house. "Wait for me outside" I told Hanna since she's the last one out. "Sure" she replied.

Aria stayed with me, incase Lauren does something.

"I'm sorry, but you can't help me this time. No one can. You have no idea what we've been through when we were at Rosewood. It was all pain and torture" I explained. "Now that A is back, I don't think I can stay in this city anymore"

The nod their heads at me understandingly. "That doesn't explain why you took Aria's side" Camila said, glaring at me.

She's Lauren's best friend, of course.

"I still love Aria. My feelings for her never changed. She needs me, they need me" I said. "Even if I say that I love Lauren and I want to be her girlfriend, we're still going back to Rosewood to finish A. And when we return, I don't know when I'm coming back, or of I'm coming back"

The girls were silent. "I'm not taking sides here guys, but she's right" Ally spoke. "I don't want to hurt you Lauren, believe me. It's better this way" I said.

"So that's it then? Your heart belongs to Aria?" she said. "Yes. Please as my friend, support me" I said.

Lauren sighs and nods her head, wiping her tears away. "I know. I'm sorry for hurting her"

I gave her a short hug before pulling away.

I gave them one final wave before leaving the house.

I jogged towards Spencer's car and got inside. I sat beside Aria and I immediately leaned my head against her shoulder.

"Thanks for standing up for me back there" she said. "You're welcome. Whatever I said back there, it's all true Aria. I still love you" I replied.

"Lucky you, I still love you too" Aria smirked before smashing her lips against mine.

"Awe. You guys are so cute, but pleasendojt take your clothes off" Emily spoke from in front of us.

I pulled away but Aria pulled me back, deepening the kiss.

"C'mon ladies! What our plan?" Spencer said.


I know Aria is dating Ezra in the series but I'm, like, seriously gay for her. She's just so cool and cute.

I'm in love with Lucy Hale so for this imagine I made her bisexual.

If you want part three, just leave a comment and suggest what you want to happen.


“Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead

-Pretty Little Liars.

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