Bet On Her

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Bet On Her:

It's been three months since the day you said yes to Lauren. She dated you and you kept telling yourself you won't fall for her. Now who knew that you were wrong. Lauren was everything to you. You love her so much.

Now you're in the Camila's mansion because the girls thought of throwing a party and they wanted you to help them. While carrying boxes of drinks you stopped when you heard your name. You hid behind the wall and listened to Lauren and Dinah's conversation.

"She said yes to you three months ago Jauregui" Dinah said, "Date her for two more months then break up with her"

This made you confuse but kept listening. "What are you-- Oh...." Lauren replied. "What? Lauren, don't tell me you already forgot about the dare you swore to us before you started dating that bitch"
Dinah's words stung your heart. So... All this was just a bet?

"Dinah.... I need the money. I can't date her in the next two months without you guys giving me the money ok?" Lauren replied. You've had enough, you dropped the box creating a huge noise which stopped the conversation.

"Y/n... What happened? Are you ok?" Lauren asked. "Don't ask me if I'm ok, because you of all people should know that I'm not!" you screamed. "Y/n, what are you--" she tried grabbing your hand but you pulled away, "Don't touch me!"

"You can't just date someone for a damn bet! And expect that everything will be ok! Dude you're hurting someone's feelings for God's sake!" you started to throw a tantrum. "You knew--" "Bullshit Jauregui!"

"Tell me why! Why out of all girls in school, why me! Why do you have to play with someone's feelings!" you cried out. "What is that? You date me, you knew half the skeletons in my closet and now when you're gonna break up with me, you'll spread the skeletons to everyone so they'll make fun of me?! Huh?!? Is that you're idea Lauren?"

"I don't know what I did to you for you to do this to me! I love you so much Lauren! Goddamn it! I love you so much, so so much. I even left my parents to be with you!" you admitted. The girls are staring at the huge scene in front of them in shock. "Why Lauren? Why do you have to hurt me when all I really wanted from the world is to feel love for once! You knew that my parents don't love me the way I dreamed they would! I expected you to love me the way I love you, but..... You just did all that for a bet! You never love me all this time" you said and ran a hand through your brunette hair.

"Jesus Christ!! Since the day we started dating I was finally happy that someone really love me... But I was wrong all along" you said and chuckled, "No one really do love me" and with that you ran out of the house and get inside your car.

You drove to you  apartment and locked yourself inside. You fell on your knees and cried. You threw the picture of you and Lauren outside through the window and screamed.

You pulled out a razor and stared at your messy reflection through the mirror before sitting on the floor beside your bed. "No one will ever love me.... What's the use of living in this world where everyone hates you?" you asked yourself before creating three marks in your arm and watched as the blood lingered from your arms and hit the floor.

You did the same to your leg and after a few minutes everything went blurry and you collapsed on the floor.

Lauren's POV:

When y/n left, I knew I lost everything. "Fine then! You lost the bet Jauregui! Give us our money back" Normani said. I groaned and ran to outside and drove to y/n's house. I fucked up everything. I love her so much. Even if it was a stupid bet, my feelings for her was real!

I love her so much. I love her the way she loves me.

I ran inside her apartment, but stopped when the door was locked. "Oh shit..." I breathed out and started to panic. "Y/n? Y/n, open the door we have to talk" I spoke but no one replied. I tried to open the door. I kicked the door open and saw y/n collapsed on the floor surrounded by blood.

"Y/n!!!" I cried out and rushed towards her. I picked her up and brought her to the nearest hospital.

After a few minutes someone ran towards me. "You bitch" and then someone slapped me hard. I looked up and saw her brother. "I trusted you! I trusted you that you will never hurt her!" he started screaming. "I'm sorry! I didn't knew--" "Why did you bet on her? You played with her Lauren. And worse of all, you never love her! You just used her for a bunch of cash" her brother explained.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out and we stood up. "Doc? How is she?" her brother asked. "I'm sorry. She lost so many blood. She didn't make it" the doctor said. "No!!!!" her brother screamed.

This.... Cannot be happening.....

I lost her....

I lost the girl in my life....

The one I truly love....

And it's all because of me...


Yeah long chapter.

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