You Met Her On X Factor

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You Met Her On X Factor:


You asked on the phone after picking it up. You just got home from school and was about to take a nap when someone called you.

"Hey y/n!!"

A cheerful British accent said in the other line. You immediately recognized the voice - Simon Cowell, you're uncle.

"Oh hey uncle Si, what's up?" you replied. "Uhm are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm fine. I just got home from school and I was about to take a nap though" you said and yawned. "Oh, what happened today at school?" your uncle asked. Well he's very protective of you.

"Nothing... Just got done with softball practice (A/n: Fun fact, if some of you Harmonizers out there have no idea but, Lauren plays softball)" you said and ran a hand through your hair.

"Okay" uncle said. "Get to the point uncle what do you want?" you asked him. "Well... You're mom told me that you'll be doing nothing tomorrow for the whole day, so I was thinking that maybe you want to come with me on X Factor" Simon said.

"For real???" I asked. "Yes! I mean tomorrow is a Saturday anyway and your mom said you have nothing to do" Simon replied. "Oh my gosh! Yes!" I screamed. "Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow before 7:30. See you" your uncle said before ending the call.
You screamed in joy. You always wanted to go to the X Factor, but being a senior high, you're always busy with school stuffs. "Dude! What happened to you?"

You turn around to see your mom. "OMG!! Mom thank you so much!! I love you!!" I exclaimed and gave her a hug. "Yeah, you're welcome" mom replied. I hugged her for a few seconds before pulling away. She left my room and I laid down on my bed. I decided to send a text to my friend.

To: (Friend's name)
Dude! My uncle lets me go to X Factor tomorrow!!

I pressed send and after a few seconds, she replied.

From: (Friend's name)
Holy Jesus mother of Mary! You serious?? As much as I wanna come, I can't because I have something to do in the weekend. You know... School

To: (Friend's name)
Oh yeah okay

I closed my phone and pouted a little.

*The Next Day*

In just a few minutes it'll 7:30. You started pacing in front of your closet. "Dude! It's just X Factor why the hell are you nervous?" dad asked. "Dad, it's not just an X Factor! It'll be my first time going there! You know I've always wanted to go there, but I'm so busy" you whined. Dad rolled his eyes, "Of course you wouldn't understand it dad. It's been years since the last time you were a teenage dude. Now everyone thought your somewhere in... 70's" your sister, Kendra spoke.

Dad glared at her and she just put up a peace sign. Dad walk out of the room. "Kendra! Help me" you whined.

She chuckled and stood up to walk beside me. "Okay, what do you feel like wearing right now?" she asked.

You didn't reply, so she looked around my clothes and she pulled out a black dress, silver leather jacket and silver boots. You smiled at her and gave her a hug, "Thank you"

She nodded and left the room. I wore the clothes and put light make up on. I grabbed my phone, wallet and ran down the stairs. "Mom! I'll be out with uncle" I called out and ran towards the door to see a huge limo.

"Hello y/n" your uncle Simon greeted you. "Hi uncle" you replied. You sat next to him inside, "Thanks so much for doing this to me uncle Simon" you thanked him. "Don't mention it kiddo. I heard from Kendra how much you wanna go to X Factor so... I'm gonna give you the chance. Though u know this will happen more often soon" Simon replied.

You arrived the studio and went inside. You waited backstage while Simon talked to the the other judges.

"Hey there" someone spoke behind you. You turn around and gasped when you saw Jade Thirlwall. Being a Mixer since 2011, you knew her. (A/n: I'm so sorry if I added Little Mix here and on the previous imagine. I just wanted the story to be longer and I got no more idea and this came into my head)

"Jade Thirlwall" you gasped which made her giggle. "Hi, and I'm guessing you're Simon Cowell's niece, right?" she said and I nodded.

"How'd you know?"

"Simon kind of told me about it and asked me to company while you'll be here. I'm actually here with the other girls. Wanna meet them?" Jade replied. "Oh my gosh, yeah sure" you gladly replied. Jade lead you to a dressing room where you were greeted by the other members of Little Mix. "Hey girls" Jade said. "Hey, who's this Jade?" Perrie replied.

"This is y/n, Simon Cowell's niece" Jade replied. "Hi" they greeted you. You waved at them, "Hi"

You talked and get to know each other. "I'm just gonna go get some water" you said and they nodded. You walked out to get a bottled water when you bumped into someone. "Ouch! Hey watch it!" you said. "Sorry!" the person replied. You looked up and met with a green eyed girl. "H-hey" she stuttered.

Before you could reply, "And for our next contestant!"

The green eyed girl suddenly run and you guessed she's about to perform.

You looked from backstage and watched as she performed.

After the performance, you and the green eyed girl saw each other backstage. "Hey" you greeted. "Hi" she replied.

"I'm y/n Cowell" you spoke. "OMG, you're Simon Cowell's niece???" she asked in shock. "Yes" you chuckled. "Hey, I'm Lauren Jauregui"

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