Chapter 18

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It's the next day and I'm now on my way to college. Luke's dropping me off today so I don't have to walk in the rain. He actually came up to me and asked if I wanted a lift, Kiana probably told him to do it.

I'm so shattered today. I was up most of the night revising for my Law test today. Honestly I don't get why they keep giving us tests when we have mocks to revise for. Mocks are already stressing me out. They decided to move them before the Christmas holidays which means I get less time to revise. Although I guess it's a plus considering I don't have to do any college work during my two week Christmas holidays.

"So I saw Stephanie yesterday. Why didn't you tell me she was here?" Asked Luke.

"To be honest I just forgot. She only got here a few days ago. She moved here cause her dad got a promotion." I replied.

"Everything's okay though?" He said with a concerned voice.


"Okay. Just promise me you'll tell me if anything happens. You know I'm here for you."

"I know." I said giving him a warm smile.

"Well, I'll see you later." He said as we arrived at the college.

"Thanks." I replied before getting out of the car.

I was actually a little bit early for a change so I decided to go grab a coffee at the Starbucks in college.

Once I got my coffee I made my way to an empty table soon later Stephanie decided to join me.

"Hey Mia. Mind if I join?" She asked

"Sure." I replied.

"So I saw your brother yesterday." She said.

"Yeah he told me."

"He's still hot."

"Ew Steph." I said nearly choking on my drink.

"I'm kidding. So what lesson do you have first?" She asked.

"Law. Oh I just remembered I need to go meet Hayden in 5 minutes to give him his notes back." I said.

"Oh Okay. Speaking of Hayden. Do you happen to know if he's got a girlfriend?" She asked with a smile.

When she said this I almost choked on my coffee again. I don't like lying to people but I'm not going to tell anyone Hayden's secret if he didn't want me to. But I guess I wouldn't technically be lying, he really doesn't have a girlfriend.

"Erm no he doesn't." I replied.

"Great. Between me and you I kind of fancy him. He's so fit. Do you think I have a shot?" She asked hopefully. Oh boy. "Oh er I should have known you guys probably have a thing I mean you guys did seem close yesterday."

"What!" Again I almost chocked. Fuck I need to stop drinking this shit around her. "Steph I swear there is nothing going on between us, I just don't know if he's looking for a relationship."

"There's no harm in trying right though? In fact why don't I go give him the notes? I'm going that way anyway and it'll save you a trip."

"Er yeah I guess." I replied unsurely.

"Great. I finally have a chance to talk to him alone." she said. "I'll see you at lunch Mia."

"Yeah okay bye." I said.

I feel kind of bad for giving her false hope. I mean what could I do. If I had said no it would not only be rude but then she'll start asking questions and Hayden can't have that. He really doesn't want people to know. Maybe he can just tell her he only wants to be friends.


It's now time for lunch and after all that work I was starving.

On my way to the cafeteria I walked through the corridor where I saw Stephanie on the phone. I was about to walk up to here before I heard my name being mentioned.

"Oh yeah Mia's here. She's made a whole bunch of new friends. I'm actually going to meet her now." She said.

Wondering who she was talking to I decided to walk over to her and say hi.

"Hey Steph."

"Oh Mia! Hey erm, that was just my erm mum on the phone." She said.

"Oh okay. You wanna go to lunch I asked?"

"Sure let's go."

That conversation was a little weird. Why would she be talking to her mum about me. I guess she just wanted to know if Steph made friends. It's probably nothing I thought whilst pushing it to the back of me head.

As we made our way to the cafeteria Stephanie sat down with Hayden, Noah and Vanessa whilst I went to go and grab some pizza. I should really start trying to eat healthier I thought. The line for pizza was absolutely ridiculous I ended up having to wait like 20 minutes.

Making my way back to table I saw Stephanie sat awfully close to Hayden, she was practically drooling over him. Hayden didn't even seem to care, I really don't want Hayden to lead her on though.

"So what are you guys talking about." I asked before taking a bite out of my pizza.

"My birthday party." Nessa replied.

"Your Birthday? It's nearly your birthday? I had no idea." I joked.

"Very funny. Your still coming to my house before hand right to help set up?" Nessa asked

"Yeah I'll be there." I replied.

I need to go shopping today for Nessa birthday considering it's tomorrow. I haven't had time yet and I have no idea what to get her. Maybe Kiana could help plus I really haven't spent time with her.

"You should come too Stephanie, it'll be fun." Said Nessa.

"Thanks Vanessa."

Soon after the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch.

"Mia, you wanna walk to psychology." asked Hayden.

"Sure let's go. See you guys later."

Whilst we were walking I decided to ask Hayden if Stephanie has said anything to him.

"So, she didn't mention that she likes you?" I asked

"Nope. But to be honest I kind of guessed it. She's always flirting with me and touching my arm all the time. It's a little weird." He laughed mimicking her by touching my arm in a flirtatious way.

"Yeah I saw, now stop." I laughed whacking his hand away. "Just let her down gently okay."

"I'll try." He smiled before we both made our way into class.


I decided to catch the bus to the mall to meet Kiana straight after college to try and find a present for Nessa.

Once I arrived at the mall. Kiana and I have been in multiple stores but I still can't seem to find the right gift for Nessa. I wanted to get her something special, something sentimental.

"What about shoes." Kiana suggested picking up some elegant pink heels.

"Nah. She already has so many." I replied.

"A gift card?"

"Nope. Too generic."

"Jewellery?" She asked once again.

"No again she's got loads"

"Wow this girl has everything. Can I meet her." Kiana joked.

"Wait. Actually that's not a bad idea. I know what to get her."

30 minutes later and I decided on this really pretty charm bracelet from pandora. I added a Scorpio charm, which is her zodiac sign knowing her love for zodiac signs. She's so into them that she knew that my sign was compatible to hers the minute I told her my birthday which is why I even added mine, a cancer charm to it.

Once we were done with the mall Kiana and I went straight back home to watch mean girls and stuff ourselves with popcorn.

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