Chapter 33

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"Mia! Come on let's go." My dad shouted.

"Coming." I said before running out of the house and sitting in the car with my dad and Luke.

We're going back to Dorton today. My dad got a call last night from my gran, my grandad hasn't been very well and is in hospital so we're all going to see him. It's going to be weird going back there after all this time but I want to see my grandad.

Around three hours later we have arrived at the hospital and we're all sat around my grandads bed.

"I can't believe how big you've gotten." My grandad laughed. "It feels like years ago that we last saw you."

"I know, you really got me worried grandad." I said.

"Don't worry kiddo, you can't get rid of me that easily." He laughed before he started coughing. I'm so glad he's going to get better, I don't know what I would do without him.

I felt my pocket vibrate and pulled out my phone to see a text from Nate.

Nate: Hey munchkin. Just checking to see if your okay. How's your grandad? X

Smiling, I sent Nate a quick reply and then I put my phone back into my pocket.

"What are you smiling at." My granddad questioned.

"She's probably texting her boyfriend." said Luke with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said sending him a glare causing everyone to laugh.

After hours of talking, my grandma asked Luke if he could pop to the shop and get my grandad some of those sweets he used to give me and Luke when we were kids.

My legs aching from sitting down to long, I decided to go instead. Plus the shops are only a 20 minute walk away.

"You sure sweetie?" She asked.

"Yeah it's no problem, I'll be back in a bit." I said before leaving.

Twenty minutes later I arrived at the shop and was currently looking for grandads favourite sweets.


I turned around and saw Stephanie stood there.

"Steph!" I said before going over to give her a hug.

"What are you doing here?!"

"My grandad isn't well, so we popped over to see him."

"Oh right, is he okay?" Her expression turning from excitement to concerned.

"Yeah he's getting better," I said. "So how have you been?"

"I've actually been great, I got accepted into that music college I always dreamed off going to."

"Oh Steph, that's amazing. Congratulations"

"Thank you." She smiled.

"So how long are you staying?"

"Just today we will be leaving later tonight."

"Oh, do you think you can pop over before you go? We need to catch up and I would stay and chat but I have to go and get my little brother from school." She asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure I'll come round around 5ish."

"Okay see you later." She waved at me before leaving.

After finding the sweets and buying a few more extra goods I was getting ready to head back to the hospital but soon I stopped in my tracks because I saw Diana's mum heading my way.

Seeing Diana's mum was overwhelming. I haven't seen either of her parents since the funeral, I just couldn't find myself to see them after everything. As she was walking closer to a point she'll be able to see me I did have the thought to just run away but that's just rude so instead I walked slowly, waiting for het to see me and grab my attention.

A minute later she did. Once Diana's mum Rachel spotted me, I saw a grin appear on to her face. After making sure it was me, she then gently poked the person beside her before walking my way.

"Oh my gosh Mia!" Rachel hugs me tight. She then looks at me closely before complimenting me. I then share a quick hello to the women who walked beside her before she heads into the shop.

For about 5 minutes Rachel and I just talked about our life and started reminiscing about Diana.

"Before I let you go, I have news." She smiled.

"Whatever it is, it must be big."

"It is! Because I'm... pregnant." She shared before touching her stomach.

"Oh my gosh. Wow, congratulations." I said surprised. She then went on to tell me more about the pregnancy. I could tell how happy she was about everything from the way she exaggerated every she said with her hands. I am happy for her. I've seen women who have lost their child and just don't have the strength to have another so seeing Rachel so giddy about it is beautiful.


"Promise me you'll look after yourself now." I said to Grandad before giving him a hug.

"I promise, don't worry I'll be fine."

"I'll look after him," My gran smiled. "Now don't leave it this long to come and visit, you know we love having you."

"I won't, don't worry. I'll come back soon, I promise." I said.

A while later, after spending more time at the hospital, my dad drove me to Stephanie's while him and Luke head over to my grans to relax.

"Hi Mia, Steph told me you were coming, come on in." Stephs mum said after she answered the door.

"Hi." I greeted her as I walked into her house.

"Stephanie is just in her her room, go on up." She said with a smile.

I went up to Stephanie's room and knocked on her door before opening it.

"Hey Mia!"

"Hey Steph. Wow, your room hasn't changed at all." I laughed.

"Very true. So how have you been?"

"You know what, I've been great actually. So much better."

"That's good, erm, about what happened last time-"

"Don't Steph, like I said before it's all fine." I reassured her with a smile.

"What about Hayden?" She asked. "I bet he hates me."

"Don't be daft. I explained it all to him and he understands. Plus I think now he's kind of glad you did because it made it a bit easier for him."

"Just let him know I'm sorry."

"He knows." I laughed. "Anyways I have something to share."


"Well Er, me and Nate are dating."

"OMG! No way! Tell me everything." She screamed causing me to laugh before I explained it all.

"Aww, that's so cute. You guys sound perfect for each other."

Steph and I went on to chat about everything and anything until it was getting late and my dad came to pick me up to leave Dorton.

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