Chapter 26

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Finally! It's all done, I thought as I finished my last exam and walked out of the exam hall. Boy am I glad that's over. Now I don't have to revise for two whole weeks. Luckily for me, I didn't get much homework so this holiday will be good.

"School's out bitch!" Laughed Nessa whilst she walked up to me.

"Thank God." I laughed.

"So I got a text from Noah, the boys are at the gate and they suggested we go out to celebrate. Maybe get some food or something?"

"Sure let's go. I'm starving." I replied linking my arm around hers.

We walked over to where the boys were standing and we decided we would go to Bela Café for some food. Once we arrived, we all ordered and took a seat in one of the booths.

"So guys, got any plans for the Christmas break." I asked.

"I'm going down south just after Christmas for a couple of days just to see my family but that's just about it, you?" Josh answered.

"Nothing, just the way I like it." I joked. "I'm just gonna chill, but I heard that there's a Christmas carnival on at the end of the week so we should all definitely go to that!"

"Oh yeah. The carnival is amazing" said Hayden. "We go there every year, Izzy loves it"

"Yeah we're definitely going." Said Nessa.

"So what have you applied for at uni guys." I asked everyone. We were all talking about it a while back but everyone was still deciding and considering we haven't seen each other in a while I was interested to know.

"I'm doing business." Said Hayden. Of course.

"I was deciding between Law and sociology but I've decided on Law now, I've always liked the idea of being a Barrister." Said Josh.

"I've applied for medicine." Said Nessa the little scientist. She's obsessed with science so it makes sense she's doing medicine.

"I've stuck with psychology." Said Noah.

"That's cool, I've decided-"

"Let me guess" said Hayden. "English lit for you right?"

"Obviously." I laughed.

It's so weird that we're all going to university soon. I know I haven't known them for ages but it feels like I've known them my whole life. We've all grown so close and I know no matter where we end up we would all still be very close friends. We've all pretty much applied to the university's close by so even if we don't go to the same ones we won't be too far from each other.

After chatting for another hour or so we finally finished our food.


The first day of the holidays Nessa and I decided we would hit the mall and get most of our Christmas shopping done since neither of us have bought anything.

We did ask the others to come along but Hayden and Josh have gone to pick Izzy up from her football practice whilst Noah had his cousins birthday party to go to. Hayden was telling me how much Izzy adores Josh and how good he is with her. It's so cute.

We were currently driving to the mall in Nessa's car. She recently just passed her test and her parents got her the car as an early Christmas present. I've been taking lessons but I'm not sitting my test till March. Hopefully I pass so I can drive back here from uni to see everyone.

After a little while we arrived at the mall and we got stuck in and started shopping. We bounced from one shop to the next and we have now been shopping for at least two hours. We decided to take a little break and went to the ice-cream store. I ordered honeycomb whilst Nessa ordered strawberry.

I've managed to get a couple of people's presents. For Luke I bought him his favourite aftershave because he absolutely loves it. I got Hayden a pair of football boots because I know he's been wanting for them for ages and I had no clue what to get Josh and Noah so I asked Hayden for a little advice and ended up buying video games for both. I haven't got Nessa's present yet obviously as she's with me but I'll get her's soon. I got my dad some football tickets. I have bought almost everyone's present for now and I knew what I was getting Nessa. I'm going to buy her tickets for Ed Sheeran's concert because she absolutely loves him. The only person I was struggling to buy a gift for is Nate. I have no idea what to get him. I want to get him something I know he will like but I have no clue what that is.

"What's on your mind." Nessa asked.

"Nothing." I said too quickly.

"Nothing?" She smiled.

Giving in to her, I sighed. "I don't know what to get Nate, gosh I don't even know why it's so hard."

"Maybe it's because you like, like him and care what he thinks."

Hearing her words I look at her like she's the most dumbest person on the planet. "I don't like, like him. He's just been there for me when I needed someone the most."

"You so like him." She teased.

"Oh my, stop with this please. Anyways what did you get Dylan?"

"Why him."


"Why did you ask what I got for Dylan? You could have asked what I got for Noah or Hayden but you asked for my boyfriend."

Understanding what she was getting at childish me flicked my spoon at her getting a bit of ice cream on her. "I'm going to leave."

"Oh no I'm sorry, don't leave. I will shut up." She laughs before muttering. "I'm just saying." Which made me get up ready to leave. "Okay, okay I'm done." She grabs hold of my arm to sit.

Nessa and I spent another hour in the mall just messing about. Once we were done she dropped me off home where I was greeted by an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. Entering the room I saw my dad and a women cooking.

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