Part 23

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I saw Maddie today at our first and second subject but I did not talk to her.

Why would I?

Once everyone knew that she is back with Tyrone, everyone would think that I have been cheated on. Me talking to her would show that I am running after her which I will never do.

Hell no!

'Psssst. Okay ka lang ba talaga?' Nick asked

I told them that Maddie and I are not okay. That I think he is still in love with Tyrone which is fine with me since we are pretty new.

'Yeah I am. Why wouldn't I be?' I threw Nick a questioning look

'Syempre no. You've never had a girlfriend and your first girlfriend is inlove with someone else.' Nick answered back

'Oo nga bruh, I was really happy when we found out about Maddie since it proves that you are not gay and then suddenly you 2 are not together anymore.' Mac said feeling sorry for the situation.

'You guys! I'm totally fine. With Maddie or not, I am prettt sure you know I am not gay. You'll see.' I said coolly

'Woah! Does this mean you'll join us partying and hooking up?' Marcus said a little bit excited.

'Hahaha. We'll know soon enough.' I said then I walked out of the locker room. They followed me short after.

When we got into the gym, I saw a few more players than usual. Some of them I don't recognize.

I look confused.

'Barber! Hurry up!' Coach Tim shouted at us.

Me and my crew ran to the bench.

'As the new season is about to start, here are our new recruits!' Coach Tim introduced the new players to us and then ......

'Coach, sorry I was late! My class didn't end until 10mins ago.' A man I am familiar with mentioned

'It's okay Mata, meet your team members.' Coach Tim introduced everyone but when coach is about to introduce me .........

'No need to introduce him coach!' He tapped coach on the back and faced me after.

'Sup Barber!' He tried to do a fist bump with me which I stared at but did not bother responding

'Let's go team! Team A vs Team B, group up!' Coach interrupted us

Me and the old mates are a part of Team A and ofcourse the newbies will be in Team B. This is a way for coach to gauge how good the newbies are and who will be a part of the First 5 players.

Last quarter of the practice game, I am dribbling the ball and Tyrone is the one on defence. He was a little bit agressive and when he came to close he whispered...

'I'm gonna take my girl back Barber! You'll see.' And then he smirked at me.

This made me stop on my tracks and he ended up stealing the ball from me. He scored 3 points from that and soon after the buzz for the final second came.

Yeah. We lost! Because of that last point!


'What was that Ethan?' Coach is fuming

'Sorry coach. I suddenly felt dizzy!' I explained to coach. He looks very disappointed

'Make sure that it won't happen again. Especially not during the season games.' He turned his back on me

I am still dumbfounded with what Tyrone mentioned.

Does that mean he and Maddie are not back together?

Then it only means one thing.

I am a jerk!

I ran as quick as I can to the cafeteria where I know Maddie would be at this time. I did not wait for The rest of the guys though I can sense that they looked concerned with my game earlier.

When I got into the cafeteria, I saw a bit of commotion.

'Bitch!' Someone shouted

'You're a cheater!' Another one shouted!

'How can you cheat on Ethan? Who do you think you are?! The person who shouted bitch said again.

Oh fuck! Are they pertaining to Maddie?

I pushed myself through the cloud of people and saw Maddie on a staring contest with Venice and Yllona!

'I don't know what you are talking about! But whatever it is, I don't think any of that is a part of your business!' I heard Maddie say

Hahaha. That's it Maddie! You're doing it right.

Maddie tried to turn away from the 2 and when I saw Venice about to pull Maddie's hair, i gripped her hand.

'Don't you dare!' Is all i manage to say. While staring down on Venice.

'Seriously Ethan? You are defending that cheater?' Venice asked looking shocked.

'Like what Maddie said Ven, i don't think either that any of that is your business. So back off!' I shooed her and Yllona away.

'You are so unbelievable!' Venice said frustratingly.

After they went away, I dismissed the rest of the curious people around

Maddie just looked at me, smirked and then turned away.

'Maddie! Wait!' I shouted while trying to run after her

She ignored me and continued to walk.

'Maddie! I said wait!' I tried my luck once again but Maddie walked a little bit faster

When she got to the parking, I sprinted and stopped her from opening the card door.

'Maddie! Wait! Please!' I said while still pushing on Maddie's car door to prevent her from opening the door.

She turned towards me.

'What?' Was all she said and I can see that tears are forming in her eyes.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

What have you done Ethan John Barber!

100 DAYS OF YOU (A MAYWARD STORY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon