Reader Info

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(C/N) = Code Name
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color
(S/C)= Skin Color
(F/C) = Favorite Color

Height: 6'2
Body type: well built
Age: 17

Semblance: not yet unlocked

Backstory: You grew up in an orphanage after you dropped off at a home as an infant. You were unable to find a family as kids around you were getting new families, but you had one friend that stocked with you form they beginning had but she ran away, leaving you alone. At the age of 7 you got sick of it all and left the orphanage you were staying at and decided to live off the streets. But as a kid, sieving in the streets was a hard task so you had to learn how to survived and relied on stealing and mugging people for Lien.

At the age of 13 you were old enough and had or stole enough money, you bought some new clothes and a weapon to defend yourself. Your weapon is a bow and arrow, your bow looks ordinary but each half of the bow and turn into a sword, and you have normal arrows buts most of them are dust infused with a variety of them.

 Your weapon is a bow and arrow, your bow looks ordinary but each half of the bow and turn into a sword, and you have normal arrows buts most of them are dust infused with a variety of them

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(This is what you wear first but with your color of choice)

(This is what you wear first but with your color of choice)

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(Your bow but with a quiver that holds much more arrows.)

After that you decided to train with your weapon and as time went on you became a good fighter for someone who hasn't unlocked their Aura and Semblance

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After that you decided to train with your weapon and as time went on you became a good fighter for someone who hasn't unlocked their Aura and Semblance. So you decide to use your skills for good after you found out how corrupt and cruel people can be and decided to do something about it. With your semblance and your new gear to protect people and bring those corrupted to justice your own way you became well know as a vigilante, but with all the good you've done you are one of the most wanted. (More will be explained as the story progresses, just needed to give you all a bit of the backstory.)

Also one more thing if you all want this to be a harem the leave a comment you do and if you don't want a harem then leave a comment on who you want to be paired with.

The Vigilante of Beacon (RWBY X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now