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Henry's POV

I've got to do something... I can't just keep watching from a distance ... I have to do something.. I have to make my move.. but what?.. what could I do to get him to talk to me!??.. I KNOW!. I'll stop him after school and then talk to him!.. if I'm lucky maybe we'll kiss!.. or .. I guess I could just force him to whenever but for some reason.. with him.. I don't feel the need to hurt or force him to do anything like how I am with the other "losers" at this school.. I'm always mean to them which I LOVE!. I'm surprised they haven't noticed me only be mean them and not to their cute ass friend Stanley!. *grr*'

Stanley's POV

I swear... every time Henry tries to mess with the losers he never messes with me!. Maybe I'm crazy I don't know.. or maybe he likes me!!. Oh god.. I hope he doesn't like me.. I don't wanna be rude it's just.. I've had my eye on bill for a while.. and I don't really think he's my type.. bill is definitely more my type.. or is he?.. I honestly have no clue but oh well!.. now .. I hope this day goes by faster!. I plan on walking home which I like since I get to be alone!


Henry's POV

Ok finally!.. schools over!. Time to make my move in Stanley Uris!. I immediately hopped into my car and waited for stan to leave the school so I can follow him. After he left I saw him go into a different direction than his house which I thought was weird but I just decided not to worry about it.. I drove right behind him for about 7 minutes when I decided to do something.. after making sure no one was looking stan turned and went into an alley.. now this is PERFECT!,, so I hopped out of my car and walked up to him.. "hey cutie" I said already panicking.. "uh ... hey Henry.. " he said back

Stanley's POV

I was walking home from school and right after I turned into the alley you won't believe who came up right behind me.... Henry Bowers!.. and what he said was even crazier!!. He said "hey cutie" and I kinda panicked so I just said "uh ... hey Henry.. " after I said that he pushed me against a building and that's when I really started panicking... "w-what are you doing!?.. HELP!.. " I immediately yelled as I struggled to move away.. he then put his hand over my mouth and said "be quiet it's fine I won't hurt you I promise!.. just be quiet!" I of course followed his instructions since he was obviously way stronger and he finally took his hand off my mouth "I need to talk to you!." Whispered Henry... "a-about what?.." I asked nervously.. I thought I was going to die but then I feel something press against my face and then I realized what was happening.... Henry Bowers was KISSING me!!.. how could this actually be Happening!?!?... it took me a second but for some reason I started kissing back and I felt Henry smile and I closed my eyes actually enjoying this for some odd reason.... and now... I take back what I said before... maybe.. just MAYBE!.. Henry is my type... he then pulled away and smiled at me and the only thing I could get myself to do was smile back..

Henry's POV

I pushed him against a building and after a couple minutes I finally got him to shut up!.. I told him I needed to tell him something but I guess instead of telling him I ended up showing him... yup... that's right.. I KISSED!!.. Stanley Uris!.. and it was AMAZING!!. I thought he wouldn't kiss back but he actually did and after I pulled away and smiled at him to my surprise he smiled back.. to be honest I thought it couldn't get any better until.....

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