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Beverly's POV

I was walking to Stanley's house to see if he could hang out and when I was about half a block away .... I saw Henry Bower car!!.. and what I saw next was UNBELIEVABLE!!.. I saw Henry pull Stan in for a KISS!!. I assumed Henry was like forcing him to do that so I ran up... "HENRY GET AWAY FROM HIM" Stanley immediately looked at me and I asked if he was okay and then glared at Henry

Stanley's POV

I was kissing Henry before I went inside and all of a sudden Beverly comes up and yells for Henry to get away and asked if I was okay... "yeah I'm actually great!.." I said and looked at Henry and smiled.... "did he hurt you?!?..."she questioned "no actually I'm great!.. " "what's going on?" She was obviously confused by what I just said... "Beverly I need to talk to you... "..I told her and Henry just sat in his seat watching .."bye Henry.." I said to him and he drove off after saying bye. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" She yelled at me. I told her not to freak out and then told her about the whole thing...."you guys are dating!?!?" She was so shocked.. I blushed "yeah... and I really like him... I think I may even love him!" She didn't say anything "bev are you mad?..." I asked not wanting to loose one of my few friends.. "no.. " she smiles "I'm happy for you.. I just don't want you to get hurt..." I nod "well. I have to go.. bye..." I say as I begin to walk inside. "Bye" she says as she begins her walk towards her house. I sigh and make my way to my room and lay down.. it was only 4:45 so I had time before dinner and decided just to read my book.. it seemed like only an hour maybe but I looked at he clock and it said 6:33... I walked down stairs right before my dad was going to call me for dinner and I ate. Once I was done I stayed downstairs until 8 and went to my room.... I opened my door and saw Henry climbing through my window! "What are you doing!?!?" I whisper yell as I close and lock my door. He smiles "I wanted to come see how my boyfriend was" he said and climbed into my room and sat in my bed. I laugh "I'm fine!" I sit by him.

Henry's POV

I climbed into Stanley's room and sat on his bed which he then sat next to me. I slowly moved my hand and grabbed his. He was kinda scared at first but then relaxed and held my hand back. There was just something about being with him that I absolutely loved. We both smiled at him and then I almost felt guilty... because before when I told him I just came to see how he was but that's not really why I came... "Stanley..." I said and he looked at me "I didn't come to check on you... I came to get away from my dad.. when I got home.. he just started yelling at me... telling me how worthless I am.. and I just.. couldn't take it ... so I left.. " I say tears beginning to fill my eyes.

Stanley's POV

He told me why he really came and he started to tear up so my first instinct was to hug him so I did.... I thought he'd be like some nasty smelly mean bully but I found out he's actually really sweet and hot and he actually smelt great!.. I kinda just cuddled him and it was great!.. his hair smelled like green apple which I assume is the kind of shampoo he uses.... I giggle "you smell good" he laughs a little in between sobs.. "thanks..." "your welcome!" I smile at him and hold him tighter... other people may think that me and him together is wrong but... in that moment it felt so right... he stopped crying and he kinda just sat their in my arms.. I looked at the clock it said 9:00 "are you gonna go back home?.. it's getting pretty late..." I ask... "c-can't I just stay here with you?.. p-please?" He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes.. I sigh.. "of course... just... behave... I can't let my parents find out your here!. Okay?" "Of course!... maybe" he looks down a little.."Henry....." "FINE!" He says and I smile.. "thanks .... babe.." I say and wink at him

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now