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Henry's POV

I sped off and went straight to Patrick's, I saw him, vic, and belch having a bonfire in his front yard. I got out of the car and stomped over to them. He stood up "hey why did you take my car?" I didn't answer. Instead I grabbed onto his collar and punched him. Vic and belch stood up and walked over to pull me away. I growled and they backed up. Patrick was gonna fall back but I held onto his shirt, I took another swing straight to his face. He tried to push me away but I wouldn't let him. "Say sorry for hurting my boyfriend..." he laughed at my request "no!" Punch after punch. I was not stoping anytime soon. The boys started yelling and I quit. A tight grip still on his shirt. He spit, blood infused with saliva. "I'm not saying sorry to you and your gay ass boyfriend!" I growled again and turned him towards the fire. I kept gripping onto his shirt and lowered his face towards the fire "say your sorry for hurting my boyfriend..." he didn't say anything so I brought him closer and he yelled "OW THATS FUCKING HOT YOU PRICK!" I punched him again "it's not gonna matter after you fucking burn to death hockstetter!.." he growled "fine!!.. I'm fucking sorry for hurting your dumb ass boyfriend.." I lifted him up and took one more swing. "Nighty night patty!" I took his car again. I left them there . Patrick passed out on the floor. Face covered in blood. I started driving back to Stanley's ", my knuckles covered in blood. They were definitely gonna be bruised pretty badly tomorrow.. I sighed and parked the car. Stan was sitting on his steps and as soon as he saw me he jumped up and ran over to me "ARE YOU OKAY!?" He grabbed my hands and gasped "HENRY!!.." I looked down and he took me into the house, and to the bathroom. "I-...I'm sorry baby..." he didn't say anything, he just dug through his first aid kit I sighed and waited as he cleaned my hands and put bandages around them. He grabbed my face with his hands and kissed me gently "why did you do that?" I frowned "I don't like my baby being hurt..." he frowned at me "well that doesn't mean you can go hurt yourself.." I looked at him confused, I thought he was gonna be mad cause I hurt Patrick "your not mad I almost killed Patrick?" He shook his head "Nope.. he deserved it..." I laughed a bit and went over to his bed "so I'm spending the night.. right?" He nodded "of course!!" I smiled and took my shirt off, he smirked and he did the same. I laughed and took my pants off and laid down before he did the same. he laid on top of me and I laughed. "Baby I'm tired." He giggled and wrapped his arms and legs around me "Good night" I sighed "good night" I surprisingly fell asleep with him on top of me, it actually wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.

//authors note//
Hey guys if you like bts go follow BTS_bbg_tae and go read her stories there REALLY GOOD

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