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Stanley's POV

I had no car so I just got dressed and started running, I ran like my life depended on it. Well I mean it kinda does.. I can't live without Henry.. I can't believe I'm admitting it but it's true.. I can't fucking live without him. Henry lived about 8 blocks away but I honestly didn't care at all!.. I ran like there was a fucking zombie apocalypse. I got to his house and banged on the door, I noticed his dad's car was gone which made me feel a bit better but I was still crying, my lungs burned and felt dry. I needed water. I was panting and could barely breathe.. I wonder if this is how Eddie feels when he's having an asthma attack?.. hm.. I don't care because all I care about is fixing this fucking relationship!.. I knocked again and I heard a loud groan, Henry yelled "GO AWAY!.. IM TOO BUSY BEING DEPRESSED!" I stayed quiet for a moment "HENRY!?.. it's Stanley.." he didn't say anything for a moment . He opened the door and held like arms out "I need cuddles" he was about to cry. I hesitated but hugged him . We went to his room and cuddled in Henry's bed. There was so much I wanted to say... but my mouth just wouldn't allow me to speak..

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now