13-Fucking slut

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Stanley's POV


My mom ended up making me go to school.... and.. when I got there.. I saw Henry.. with his fucking body pressed up against some fugly ass boy. what the hell?!?!? IM FURIOUS! I never said we weren't dating!.. I mean yeah i'm fucking traumatized but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that Henry is fucking cheating on me! I felt the hot tears fall down my face as I began to run. I didn't know where I was going all I knew was that I needed to get away before I ripped someone's head off. I ended up going to the Quarry. I sat on the edge of the cliff and watched my tears fall down until i couldn't see them anymore. I know me and Henry just started dating but.. I think I actually I loved him!! He was the first boy to actually like me..... I was furious.. I grabbed a rock and was about to throw it in the water but I didn't.. I heard a noise in the trees and turned around quickly. I saw Patrick's tall body came foward in my direction. I backed up a bit, almost falling off the edge. dirt falling down aimlessly. I made a high pitched squeak and he laughed. My voice was shaky "w-w-what do you w-w-want?" my heart sped up. He just laughed again "Don't worry bird-boy Im not gonna hurt you.... right now." he smirked and I looked back at the water wondering what would be worse. jumping off or getting beat by Patrick... I looked back and he grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the edge. "hey hey hey.. don't get any funny ideas buddy, I gotta talk to you....about Henry.." I made a loud whining noise and he shot me an annoyed look. "what did you do to him 'noodles'?" he brought me closer to him by my arm. I stuttered almost as much as bill "I-I-I didn't d-do anything!.. H-He almost h-hurt me!" he scoffed "Henry has been crying in the boys bathroom all morning... It sounds like YOU are the one that did something!" I felt a sudden burst of anger towards Patrick " I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! YOUR DOGS' THE ONE THAT FUCKING TRIED TO RAPE ME AND THEN ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME!!" After my little 'tantrum' neither one of talked, there was no noise except when Patrick growled..... I suddenly felt scared again, all I saw was his fist fly and then pitch black. That fucking cunt knocked me out.

I woke up a little bit later.. or maybe a lot later... the sun was just started to set. I got up and felt a sharp pain in my jaw. "OW!.. fuck!" I stumbled towards the main road and looked around. My vision slightly blurry "what did I do to deserve this?"

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now