Author's note!!! (read)

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// The next few chapters will be in Stanley's POV, so just a heads up. this way what Henry's doing will still be more of a secret not just to Stanley but you (the reader). I don't know how many chapters.. I don't think it will be anymore than three and i'll try to update as much as I can, schools almost over so i'll have more time.. welp.. that's all I gotta say, oh and make sure you vote on each chapter if you don't already, I am currently #11 in losersclub! Which i'm pretty proud of, there are over 600 others in that 'category'. Also be sure to comment on things I can improve and stuff that you like,and comment ideas you have for the story I always love hearing from my readers and I also love how people actually like my horrible writing, I honestly don't get why people read this. anyway.. yeah that's it.. toodles!.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now