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Stanleys POV

I woke up to a bright light. I looked down and saw my body. I.. I was floating. I saw a bright light and a dark one under me. When I looked over I saw Henry in another room. He was awake, and.. he was crying.. and.. begging the doctors to. Let him see me?. Wait.. what's that-.. OW!.. FUCK!.. I hear a ringing, a loud, loud ringing. And.. I'm cold.. the dark light it-.. it's swallowing me, it's swallowing me whole and the only thing I can see is the darkness. Henry's gone.. my life is gone.. i-i-i can't breathe.. I'm in pain, so much pain. It hurts.. i-it hurts so badly, all over. It stings, it throbs, it pounds. It hurts. All I can do is let the pain and darkness consume me more. Where am I?.. is this.. oh my god... fuck.. I knew I'd go to hell-.. OW!.. it hurts!!.. it hurts so bad!.. it feels like I'm being stabbed.. and set on fire.. and... I don't wanna be hear.. I wanna go back.. I wanna go back to Henry.. I wanna go home!!.. I can't move I can't see, I can only feel. Feel this pain, sadness. I hate this!!.. I can feel the hot tears run down my face...I'm so cold. And yet, I'm burning up at the same time. I want this to end. I want to go back!!.. I WANT TO WAKE UP!!!

I woke up. I-... I was in the hotel room.. we haven't even left yet.. I saw Henry and started bawling my eyes out. I couldn't breathe. My chest felt like there was a cement block placed on top of it. I felt light headed. I tried to breathe but I couldn't. I fell onto the floor.

Henry's POV

I woke up to a loud thump. I looked at the ground and saw Stanley... he has tears all over his face.. what's happening!?.. I checked his pulse.. there's nothing.. THERES NOTHING!!.. he's dead..
he's dead..
he's dead..
he's dead..
he's dead..
he's dead..
This is it.. he-.. NO!.. fuck.. I'm shaking so badly. I grabbed my phone and tried to dial the number but i was shaking too badly. GOD DAMNIT!.. GET A GRIP!.. I took a deep breath and dialed 911. Not too much time later the sirens blasted and the ambulance came. I-.. well.. for the first time ever.. I prayed?.. to god?.. I don't know.. but I prayed.. I prayed that, Stanley would be okay. And that.. he's live and that, we can keep driving and that. One day.. we can live our lives together. Happy.. and.. and have a house.. and kids!.. and.. that we can just be together.. and.. I think it worked.. I was called into the room and, there he was.. the most beautiful person I've ever seen.. he had IV's connected to him and he was awake. He smiled. I smiled back.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now