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This chapter is kinda inappropriate so don't say I didn't warn ya!.. ok it's pretty inappropriate I'm surprised I published it... for or own sake.. just skip this chapter...

Stanley's POV

He started taking off his fucking pants!!!., "UHMMM!!. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" I say wondering my He was stripping in my bed ... WAS HE GONNA RAPE ME!???.. oh god.. but I guess it isn't rape if you like it... Wait-.. WHAT AM I THINKING!?!?.. I wouldn't like it!.. or would I?.. OH GOD STOP THINKING LIKE THIS STAN!!.. "I'm taking my pants off... that's how I usually sleep" he said and I nodded... "YOU SLEEP NAKED!?!.." I almost yelled... he laughs "no.. I sleep with just my boxers on... duh" what happened next was so unbelievable I'm surprised my parents didn't come in the room... "well maybe I want you to sleep naked!!." I swear I said that WAY louder than planned... actually I didn't even plan on saying it at all! He kinda just looked at me and smirked... "are you saying you want your boyfriend to sleep naked in your bed?.. "... I almost choked... "m-m-maybe..." he laughs.. " I asked a yes or no question.." I was almost kinda scared.. but I said something I wouldn't expect.. I said almost yelling .. "yes god damnit Henry!!. I want you to sleep naked in my bed with me!!.." my face immediately turned bright red and he smirked at me again and under the blankets began pulling his boxers off..

Henry's POV

This day couldn't get any better!!!.. Stanley practically begged me to sleep NAKED with him!!.. so ... I took ALL my clothes off while he just laid there blushing like crazy!.. and so I said "am I the only one that's gonna be sleeping like this or are you gonna do this too?" I laugh a little ... he looked like I just asked him to kill a person!.. "I-.... y-yes.. " he choked out... I'm pretty sure he was like terrified or something I almost felt bad for him!!.. BUT I didn't cause I was having WAY too much fun! I smirked again "well what are you waiting for?.." with that he started taking his shirt off and he MUST have been trying to kill me cause he was taking SO long!!. "Do you need me to do it for ya?" I said expecting for that to make him speed up but instead he just completely stopped everything and laid there.. "do it!" He said and I just laid there shocked.. "you want me to take your clothes off for you!?" I asked unsure if he was kidding or not "yes!" He replied sounding WAY more confident than before I legit almost had a fucking seizure but I didn't thank god!.. "I'm waiting" he said now smirking "YOU ARE ONE DIRTY BOY!!.." said before climbing on top of him so I could take off his shirt..

Stanley's POV

Oh my god... Henry Bowers is literally about to fucking take my clothes off of me!!.. and he's already naked and fucking climbed on top of me ... he started taking my shirt off and I almost had a FUCKING seizure!!.. he licked his fucking lips!!. Oh my lord he licked his GOD DAMN LIPS!!.. AT ME!!.. I growled in frustration... which just made him get even more anxious to take my pants off!.. after my pants were off he looked at my boxers and then back at me "you sure?. You could just sleep in your boxers if you wa-.." He was saying but i cut him off.. "GOSH YOUR SLOW AS FUCK!!.." i then ripped my boxers off and am now completely naked in front of Henry Bowers!!.. we both started blushing and he laid next to me not saying anything.. "I uh..." I couldn't think of anything to say.. "oh my fucking gosh .. I don't know how you think your body isn't mother fucking perfect because it IS!!" He said which just made me blush more.. he slowly started scooting towards me and I froze "you wanna cuddle?" He asked knowing somehow that I'd say yes.. I nod kinda scared and unsure on how this would work out considering we were both naked ... he legit hugged me and-.... oh my god... and his mother fucking dick was Literally on my god damn leg!.. I kinda just laid there kinda scared but then decided to cuddle back.. it was nice I guess ... maybe not the fact that we were naked but... oh well.. at least we get to cuddle.. I LOVE cuddling by the way!!.. im just one of those people ya know?

Henry's POV

I started playing with his hair which I absolutely loved!!. I mean... WHO COULDNT!???!.. his noodle hair is the BEST!.. and after a while of me playing with his hair I felt something.... something on my leg... I couldn't believe this... I fucking gave Stanley Uris a boner just from playing with his god damn hair!!. I started laughing my ass off and he was just confused... "Henry what's happening with my Uh?.. " he looked down confused.. after I stopped laughing I decided to tell him.. "it's called a boner.. or an erection... it happens when you get sexually aroused by someone or something... like apparently.. me playing with your hair!.." I laughed and he just turned red.. "I uh-.. I'm sorry... this has never happened before... " Stanley says and I giggle "are you saying I gave you your first boner?.. " this was SUPER amusing to me.. "I uh-.. we'll.. Ive gotten one before when I woke up from a dream... " he says super embarrassed I kept laughing which just made him more embarrassed and cover up his face with the blanket... I begin to feel bad.. "babe-.. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to embarrass you.. it's fine really... you don't need to be embarrassed.. " he stayed under his blanket and I decided to take the blanket off of him

Stanley's POV

I was SO embarrassed so I hid under my blanket so I could cry without him seeing... he then took the blanket off me and I immediately covered my face with my hands which he just grabbed my wrists and took my hands off my face ... "babe.. please don't cry.. I'm really really sorry.. " he said trying to make me feel better... "why were you laughing?.. this isn't funny.. " He then looked down at my private part and his jaw dropped immediately!!.. "d-d-Damn...."He said with his eyes wide open "I cried harder.. "what are you gonna laugh at that too?!" "NO NO NO!!.." he said trying to reassure me.. "it's just-... your only 14 and that-.. your-... you got one big ass fucking d*ck... " I blushed harder... I couldn't believe he just said that...but then I remembered why I was crying in the first place and started crying harder.. "shhh babe-... please don't cry.. you shouldn't be embarrassed... if it-.. if it makes you feel better... I'll tell you how to give me a boner... " he says quietly and blushes a lot... I look up at him and smirk.. "really?.. how?" ... he sighs and whispers in my ear... I then took the blankets off and sat on top of him. I then moved my hands up and down his abs tracing every single muscle slowly.. he got goosebumps all over and for once in my life I felt like I actually had control over something!.. and that something was Henry Bowers!.. after about 5 minutes I feel something press against my ass as I sit on top of him.. I kinda freeze at first since it was pretty weird feeling his dick against my ass.. Henry moans and I can tell he is enjoying this... "Henry baby... " I say acting innocent.... I then move back pressing against his d*ck... "tell me I'm the hottest boy In the world... Henry growled unable to talk cause he knows his voice will be all crazy... I then scoot forward so his "thing" is completely away from my butt!!.. he whines and I tell him again.. "tell me I'm the hottest boy in the world..." Henry did as he was told.... or at least tried to... "y-y-your the hhhOtesT boy in... in thE wOrLD!!" Henry's voice cracked as he spoke... I then scoot down getting further away from how I just was... Henry bites his lip trying to be quiet... I keep teasing him and he clearly has had enough....

Henry's POV

Stanley was KILLING me!!.. he would not stop teasing me and I Had enough!!.. I flipped us over and He screamed! I pressed his wrists to the bed and then his parents started walking towards the room.. "shit!" I whisper "honey are you okay?.. " his mom asks as i lay on top of this beautiful boy... "y-yeah I'm fine-... I just Uh... saw a -... spider... " stan pipes up.. I decided to take advantage of this precious moment ... I started grinding my hips against his even though his parents were right outside the door..his parents were about to leave but since I did that he moaned... like loudly!.. "baby are you sure your okay?... do we need to come in?" His mom started trying to open the door but thank god it was locked "m-mOm...I'm fffine..." I laugh a little and Stan glares.. "uh okay sweetie...." she said before "leaving" "thank god" I say laughing. " THAT ISNT FUNNY MY PARENTS COULD HAVE FOUND OUT!" He almost yells and I just stop laughing "I'm sorry... kinda...."I smirk and he just giggles I'm still holding his hands against the bed so that means ... I had complete control he could barely move an inch!.. for the third time I kissed him but this time it was more heated..

- ok sorry guys but this chapter is getting pretty heated so I'm just gonna stop here-

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