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Stanley's POV

It's been a week since I've talked to or seen Henry.. I don't think I've ever cried so much. Yeah I'm still upset but, I miss him. I feel so alone and afraid at night cause he isn't there to cuddle me. There's only a couple days of school left. Once it was summer break I planned on staying in my room the whole time. I didn't want to risk seeing Henry at all!.. I walked through the halls of the school and made sure that I was avoiding all of Henry's normal routes.
_-time skip-_
After the bell rang I quickly rushed to my locker. I needed to get home without seeing h-... oh no... he standing by my locker...I turned around and started walking quickly. He noticed and ran up behind me. He grabbed my arm and pulled so I'd fall back into his arms.. curse fully smooth. He bent down and kissed me. I tried to move away but his strong, muscular arms were not letting me go. I was just starting to get used to getting through a full day without his kisses but he just ruined it. I teared up. I wanted to bawl my eyes out but I wouldn't let it happen. A few tears fell and Henry wiped them away, "don't cry.... I'm sorry but, I couldn't help it.. seeing someone as beautiful as you.. I needed to feel our lips pressed against each other again." I blushed and tried not to smile. Damnit that fucking bitch he knew it'd make me smile!.. he smiled at my reaction and kept his arms wrapped around me. "Stanley Uris, I didn't cheat.. I would never cheat!.. you're the only boyfriend I'll ever want... your literally everything anyone could ask for!.. and I love you. God damnit I love you Stanley!!.. I love you more than anything in this world!.. I would never do anything to hurt you! I.didnt.cheat. Do you believe me?" I-... I was speechless.. he really didn't cheat.. and I treated him like shit!!.. what kind of boyfriend am I?!.. no. What kind of human am I!?.. I don't deserve him.. he deserves better.. wayyy better. I was gonna say something after a long moment of silence but he spoke again. "All I need to know is if you believe me or not.. and then you can say whatever you were thinking in the last-.." he looked at the nearest clock "4 minutes.." I looked down at my shoes. I could not look at him. I nodded my head "I-..I believe you.." I hated that I was wrong about such a serious thing. But I could tell from the way he looked at me that he didn't care. I looked into his eyes and he smiled. "Now-.... can we be boyfriends again?.." he asked, I could practically feel the gayness seeping from his words. I laughed at my thoughts and nodded "yes Henry..." he smiled big and swung me around twice as he kissed me. I was kinda dizzy so when he put me down I almost fell, we both laughed and grabbed our stuff, there was definitely about to be a long, long, long conversation going on between me and Henry soon. I just knew it.

Henry's POV

We were walking home, I held his hand and damn did it feel good to be back together with him. I figured I'd ought to explain what's really been happening over the past couple weeks. I took a deep breath and spoke. "When I left at night-... it wasn't because I was cheating.. obviously.. it was because I got a job.." he gave me a strange look and then laughed "you got a job!?.. this is hilarious!!.. HA!.. why the fuck would you. Henry Bowers!.. get job!?.. hahaha!! You can't even keep your corner! I repeat!.. corner of my room clean!!.. who would hire you!?" He laughed harder. I felt my heart completely drop . I looked down and frowned. Tears began to fill my eyes and he kept laughing, not even noticing how badly he just hurt me.. for the third time.. why would he say that?!.. I mean yeah.. my part of the room is pretty messy but that doesn't mean I'm not eligible to get a fucking job!... he probably just thinks I'm some dirty, stupid, indolent, sex-craving, teenager who used to bully everyone in sight-... but.. I'm better than that now.. I'm smart.. and I'm hard-working!.. I am great at my new job.. he shouldn't have said that....I'm humiliated and sad now. I let go of his hand and started walking away from him. Tears started falling from my eyes. That really fucking hurt my feelings.. I bet if I would have said that to him he would have fucking bawling his eyes out and make me feel like I'm the one who started it all!.. oh mommy god I just wanted to go to my room and cry while I ate hot pockets and watched F.r.i.e.n.d.s. But I couldn't, my House was on the other side of the town and I could already stanleys house coming into view. I ran to his house and went into his room. I started crying.. a lot.. he came in about 6 minutes later. He gave me a strange look. "What's wrong?.. what did I do?" I wiped my tears and growled "you think I'm an indolent, stupid bitch that's what's wrong.." I glared over at him. He still had the same confused look glued to his face. "No I don't.." he walked over to the bed and sat next to me. I moved away and he sighed "look I'm sorry for saying that stuff but.. don't you think your overreacting?" I growled again. "No!!.. IM NOT OVERREACTING!.. THAT FUCKING HURT MY FeElInGs!" *voice crack* Stanley laughed and I just blushed. "That's not funny.." he stopped laughing and hugged me. Of course I hugged back but..
He looked up at me and kissed me gently. I smiled a bit "do you wanna know why I got a job?" He nodded "Mhm" I smiled bigger "well.. since summer is almost here.. I thought..maybe..we could-.. go on vacation?" His face lit up and he smiled "that sounds great!!!-.. ooo!.. can the losers come!?" I looked towards the wall "Stanley-.. I was hoping this could be something for just.. us ya know?" He laughed "oops sorry-.. I should have figured that's what you were planning.. sowwy!" He kissed me again and I smiled "is that a yes?.." he nodded "yes!!" I smiled and lifted him up, spinning around a couple times. We both laughed and I sat down on the bed with him on my lap. "So?-.. what do you wanna do?" He thought for a moment "Well we could figure out where were gonna go on vacation!!..." I nodded and smiled "where's somewhere you've always wanted to go?" He looked around for a moment and started giggling "how about California?.. I've always wanted to go there.. see the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco... go to LA and see the Hollywood sign.. go swim in the ocean.. you know.. fun stuff like that.." I smiled at him "ok, that sounds ab-so-lute-ly amazing!" We both smiled at each other. "We have three days to plan out our trip!" He nodded and we both started planning.


wassup beautiful bitches!!.. that's the end of this story! Heh.. this..I'm funny aren't I?-.. well.. It is the end of this story but like I said this story.. hehehe.. ok well.. toodles ✌️

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