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Stanley's POV

The next few days were fucking rough as hell.. I spent most of my time crying which made no sense since I'm the one who fucking broke up with him. I haven't answered any of his 46 texts.. I read them but I don't answer. And every time I read them I feel worse!.. I feel like I'm like a chicken.. and someone just cut my fucking head off.. AND NOW THEYRE WATCHING ME RUN AROUND IN MINDLESS PAIN WHILE THEY LAUGH.. ugh I'm pissed.. and sad.. and I feel like it's all my fault.. I mean.. it is my fault but.. he's the one that cheated.. right?.. fuck I probably sound crazy.. FUCK FUCK FUCK!.. AGH!.. all these emotions have made me feel like I belong in a mental asylum. I'm surprised my mom hasn't takes me to the mother fucking hospital.. the only thing I've been doing is re-reading all of our text conversations and scrolling through my gallery, full of pictures of us.. WHY AM I DOING THIS TOO MYSELF!!.. I want him back god damnit I'm just too much of a coward to talk to him!.. I'm too much of a fucking wimp!.. I'm just a useless piece of gay ass shit... that's all I'll ever be, useless.. actually no.. I do have a use.. fucking up poeples lives.. I'm sure Henry is probably drinking his problems alway. He's lucky he has access to alcohol.. if I did I would be drunk as fuck!.. OH MY GOD I CANT GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD! I actually think I'm going insane!!.. I feel like I'm gonna explode if I don't talk to him soon!.. BUT I CANT TALK TO HIM!.. I CANT!.. I don't even know how to feel about anything.. I just want to be happy.. I want to run far far away to the middle of nowhere and live a happy life with Henry.. I want to get married and have a beautiful house.. with a garden.. and a little swing set in the backyard for our little kid to play on.. and I want high speed WiFi.. and and.. an x-box.. and a wii.. and a pla-.. who the fuck am I kidding I don't care about any of that shit.. the only thing I actually care about is Henry!!.. HENRY FUCKING BOWERS!!.. I just wanna tackle him into a hug and then cuddle in my room under a big soft blanket. I want to feel his body pressed against mine and I want his arms wrapped around me and I want to hear him tell me that everything's gonna be okay because he won't let anything bad happen to me.. and he won't let me be sad because he loves me.. he fucking loves me and I love him and I made one big mistake that I have to go fix RIGHT now!..

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now