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Stanley's POV

I woke up And laughed which resulted in me falling off my bed. I totally forgot I fell asleep on top of Henry, poor child.. he.. he looked so uncomfortable which made me laugh. He woke up with a jump "WHAT HAPPENED!?.. ARE YOU OKAY!?" He looked around and then saw me on the ground, I just laughed harder "I'm fine" he sighed and I jumped onto the bed.
I laid on top of him again but this time I felt something hard..... I looked at him and he blushed. Seeing him blush just made me blush which made it super awkward. I got up and instead laid next to him. The room was quiet until my mom walked in "hey sweetie try not to leave your more 'feminine' things out you know how your dad i-.." she looked up and saw Henry "oh-... sorry.. uh.. hey Henry?.." she laughed nervously and slowly backed out. Henry looked at me "feminine?" He had that evil smirk he's most famous for. I blushed "Nope.. I'm not showing you any of my stuff.." he nodded and got up "ok.. if you won't show me I'll just have to find it.." my eyes widened and I zoomed over to my bottom drawer of my dresser and blocked it, he laughed and picked me up easily, moving me out of he way. He opened the drawer and gasped "this is perfect" he laughed and I frowned I teared up, my face bright red. I was embarrassed as fuck!.. he had no right to be going through my stuff, one by one he took everything out. I had lip gloss, nail polish (which I only wore when I was home alone, I used nail polish remover to get rid of it before school) and worst of them all, three-.. not just one but three black lace thongs. No one was EVER supposed to know about that, and it's not my fault there so comfortable. I stood up and ran out of my room. Too embarrassed to face him. I couldn't even imagine what disgusted, thoughts were going through his head. He probably thinks I'm gonna turn into a fucking girl now. I don't want to be a girl I just like those things. I ran into the bathroom at the other end of thee house and locked the door. I started sobbing!.. Henry ran out of my room and stood outside of the bathroom "baby?.. are you okay?.. was it something I did?.." I rolled my eyes "you went through all my personal stuff which I was planning on keeping a secret!!.." I yelled which caused him to back up. My mom probably felt horrible for starting all of this, but my mom was the last thing I was worrying about. What if Henry tells people?.. what if he makes fun of me for it?.. what if he breaks up with me?, that last thought is what really hurt. The thought of Henry no longer being mine. My heart sped up and I started having an anxiety attack. It felt like my heart was throbbing it hurt and I could barely breathe. The pain just made it worse, it was like the domino effect just ten.. maybe even a hundred times worse. I started getting dizzy and feeling faint, gasping for air. Henry started banging on the door "Stanley?!.. is everything ok?." I wanted to yell at him but I couldn't I wanted to scream, maybe say something like "why the fuck would you care?" Or "does it really sound like I'm okay?" But I didn't.. I couldn't.. I felt the whole world spin as I hit the floor, making a loud banging noise. By then Henry had already broken the door handle and ran in, everything after that was kinda a blur

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now