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Stanley's POV

I woke up the next morning . It was Saturday, so me and Henry had the whole day to go on our date. I hope he thought of a place to take me. He better not take me to an amusement park or anything weird, I can't handle rides like that. The only ride I like is Henry😏 I got up and put on black ripped skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt (no hood). I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair. I put on some lipgloss and looked at the bed. Henry was still asleep I groaned and laid on top of him "henryyyy wake uppp.." he made a yelling/groaning noise "nooo.. I wanna sleep.." I shook me head and grabbed his hand. I stood up and began pulling him off the bed. And he let me. A couple minutes later he was laying on the ground. "I'm gonna count to three.. if your not standing up I'm gonna go grab my dad's golf clubs and go test them out on your car, and I'm not j-..." he jumped up "IM AWAKE!" I laughed and wrapped my arms around his skinny, still muscular, but skinny body, he smiled and hugged back "Good morning sugar lips" he blushed and I giggled softly before kissing him. He kissed back and I pulled away before things got a little too heated. He frowned "I'm not getting dressed until you kiss me again" I glared and he got dressed anyway. He put on some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I grabbed his hands and kissed him again . "You're so handsome Henry Bowers." He blushed and looked at me "you're so gorgeous Stanley Uris.." I blushed and looked down. Neither of us had shoes or socks on so I turned away, going to my top drawer, I threw him a pair of socks and his shoes, we both got all the way dressed and we were about to leave until I noticed something. "Did you brush your hair?" He walked back a little and looked into a mirror "Nope." I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the bedroom. "Brush your hair." I handed him a brush and he did his hair. I smiled "now we can leave" we both walked out and got into his car.

Henry's POV

"Where ya takin me?" Stan asked as we drove down the street. I just smirked "it's a surprise.." he whined "I need to know.. nowww!" I just laughed and kept driving. He looked out the window and we finally made it to our destination. The quarry. He frowned "I always come here" I smirked "but you've never been here with me!.." he sighed "you're right, he got off and started taking his shirt off "take your shoes off first " I suggested as I took mine off, once his were off and practically tackled him over the edge, he screamed and we both fell aimlessly into the quarry in all of our clothes. He was gonna be pissed but I didn't care we sank about 7 maybe 9 feet and then floated back up,, he gasped "HENRY!" I laughed and he splashed me. "MY CLOTHES ARE SOAKED!!" I giggled "I know.." he got out of the water and looked at me "WhAt dO I dO?" I smirk and walk towards him "I know what to do" I began taking my clothes off in front of him and he just stared, I reached over and started taking his shirt off, he pulled away "I can do it myself!" I laughed and he proceeded to strip as well as me. We were both completely naked and he covered part of himself up with his hands, I roll my eyes "I've already seen all of you thousands of times.. who do you think gave you those hickeys?" He blushed and looked around "what if someone's watching?" I laughed "were just skinny dipping.. calm down gorgeous.. live a little.." he sighed and put his hands down, I bite my lip and grab his hand. Walking towards the water.

Patrick's POV

So I went to the quarry to get away from my family.. and I see Henry and Stanley getting out of their car, I walked into the trees and watched as Henry pushed him into the water they both fell with a big splash. They both got out of the water and my eyes widened. They... they were getting undressed.. oh god.. I can't handle this.. I cannottt handle this.. I saw Henry and then looked at stan, I bit my lip "I finally know what Henry sees in Stanley.." his body was gorgeous... Stan looked around so I ducked. They stayed in the shallow end for most of the time. Henry grabbed stan and pulled him close. They both leaned in and kissed, they're beautifully naked bodies pressed together. I couldn't help but watch, how could I miss something as hot as this?.. screw porn this is the real deal.. right in front of my eyes, fuck I hope they have sex. Wait.. did I really just say that?-.. yeah I did.. Oof.. I suddenly didn't feel too "comfortable" my pants started feeling tight. I groaned but ignored it the best I could. I kept watching them and they were definitely getting more 'into it' I bit my lip and didn't look away. I couldn't. God Henry is so fucking muscular. How come I never tried to get with him?!.. damn.. I moved out of the trees on the top of the quarry to get a better look, I grab my phone to take a couple pictures, I mean what harm could it do?,. I wouldn't ever.. show.. anyone them. I took a couple.. or 10.. I put my phone back into my pocket and looked up, Stanley screamed, his eyes were directly at me. "Oh shit.." I started running.

Stanley's POV

Me and Henry we're making out, I saw something in the corner of my eye and turned towards it. Ohhh fuck.. no no no.. I screamed and turned Henry towards him "p-p-Patrick.." he growled and yelled "PATRICK I SWEAR TO GOD YOU FUCKING PERVERT!!" He started running. I teared up and grabbed my clothes "Henry I wanna gooo!!" He grabbed his stuff and pulled me by the hand to the car quickly. We got in and he grabbed some towels out of the back "dry off baby I'm gonna try to find him." I couldn't control my tears, Patrick took pictures!!.. what if he like shows the whole school or something!?.. this is fucking embarrassing!!.. I started hyperventilating again like when Henry found my thongs and tightened my grip on the towel. My eyes closed and I passed out.

Henry's POV

I was driving to try to find Patrick. I looked over at Stanley and he was passed out, "oh no" I started driving towards his house and decided to look for Patrick after I help stan. I wrapped the towel around him and ran him inside, luckily his mom wasn't home. I carried him to his room and laid him down. About thirty minutes later he woke up, I had already gotten changed and had a pair of clothes out for him. He sat up and looked around "what happened?" I didn't say anything. Everything started to hit him, he gasped "PATRICK!" He immediately started crying again "he took pictures!!" I hugged him "it's okay baby. I'll take care of Patrick.. you just get dressed for now. Once I get back we can shower together okay?.. will that make my baby happy?" He nodded and looked down, he slammed his face against the pillow and started crying again. I frowned and kissed his head before getting up "I'll be right back baby.."He just nodded again. I left and decided to go find Patrick. The first place I went to was his house. He was there. Sitting on his porch. Waiting for me. I walk up to him "what the fuck Patrick?!.. you better have deleted those pictures.." Patrick laughed "yeah.. I'm not deleting them.. ever.." I wanted to throw up "what's wrong with you!?.. you NEED to delete them !" He shook his head "I will.. if..." I glared, I knew this couldn't be good "if?" I ask. "If you have sex with me.." I growl lowly "Nope!.. I am not cheating!" He laughed "ok then.. I'll just post these pictures..." he scrolled through his phone "FINE!,. Fine.. I will.. just make it quick.." I already knew he was dom. I've never been fucked before and I knew this was gonna get weird.

Stanley's POV

Henry came home crying an hour and a half later. I asked him what's wrong but he wouldn't tell me. I frowned and cuddled him. No matter how many times I asked he wouldn't talk to me.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now