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Henry's POV

to be honest I thought it couldn't get any better until..... he said something that I wouldn't expect him to say.. EVER !!.. he told me he thought I was hot!!!.. and for like the first time I blushed.... and when I say blushed I'm talking full on like face is as red as a tomato!.. I couldn't believe what I had just heard so I just asked "really?!" "Hell yeah!.. your honestly one of the hottest guys in our school" he then covered his mouth shocked .. I think.. at what he just said.. but I think I was even more shocked... I stood there eyes wide and jaw dropped..

Stanley's POV

After the kiss I felt weird ... maybe I was sick... so sick that I said something that shocked us both!.. I told him how hot he was!!!.. which I mean he is really hot... his perfect built muscles... his spot on jaw line.. AND UHGG!!. Have you seen his abs!?!?.. and not to mention that as-.... I mean yeah he's pretty hot I guess.... anyway all he could say was "really!?" And I replied.. unbelievably... saying "Hell yeah!.. your honestly one of the hottest guys in our school" he just stood there staring at me... eyes wide and jaw dropped!

Henry's POV

After a while I finally spoke up.. not necessarily what I wanted to say but ... at least I said something right?..

Stanley's POV

"Marry me" is what Henry said after minutes of silence.... I assume it was a mistake but I answered him with a solid "FUCK YEAH!" And he was even MORE shocked! And he blushes!!.... Henry Bowers actually blushed!

Henry's POV

" Stanley........ I think I'm in Love with you ..." I manage to choke out.. and I can't believe what happened next... Well I couldn't believe anything that's happened today.... but anyway...he said "I'm in Love with you too!" And you should have seen his face a after he said that... he was so shocked by what had just come out of his mouth..

Stanley's POV

Honestly I have no clue why I've been saying all this stuff.... I guess I'm not lying but... I just.... I don't know... but I felt the need to say something and while playing it out in my head it actually seem so bad so I said it.... I really can't believe it but I actually said it.. I asked if he would be my boyfriend!.. and he agreed.... and I accidentally ended up talking aloud and saying "damn tomorrows gonna suck" and with that he pushed me against the building and questioned me... "why?..." he asked. "Because the l-losers club..... they're g-gonna be mad... c-can you let go now" I was scared and I knew dating Henry would be dangerous but something deep down was saying that.. I wouldn't have to worry.... so he let me go and sighed "I know.... but.. it'll all be okay..."he took a short pause and then he called me babe!.. and I actually liked hearing those words... but... iid LOVE to stay but I needed to get home.. my dad would get mad at me if I was late...

Henry's POV

"I'm sorry Henry but.. I gotta go home... I can't be late .. my dad will worry or get mad..." he said and I was pretty sad about it but I told him ok and that I'd give him a ride and he agreed. So we both got in my car and we started driving to his house and of course I knew where it was I may have been secretly watching him walk home everyday... but I couldn't help but want another kiss so before he got out of the car I pulled on his arm so he'd come closer and I kissed him for the second time that day...

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