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General POV

Stanley woke up next to Henry and yawned tiredly. He climbed out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take another shower. he didn't bother waking up Henry, he wanted to be alone for a little. He turned on the water and got in, the warm streams hitting his face and running down his naked body . He began to wash himself when he heard a loud noise come from the bedroom followed by a yell of pain. He didn't even take the time to turn off the water or grab a towel. He ran to the bedroom to find Henry laying on the floor. The blonde boy groaned and got up slowly, his gaze shifted over to Stan's naked body. He whined "this isn't fairrrr." Stanley frowned and grabbed a towel before sitting on the floor next to Henry. he grabbed his hand and spoke softly as Henry's eyes began to fill with tears. "It'll be better in like a week... you just have to be patient.." He tried to think of something else to say but his mind went blank. The shower was still running but he could care less. Henry sniffed and wiped his few tears away "but.. i'm not patient..I want this pain to go away!..."

Stanley's POV

I wanted to hug him but I held myself back. My poor baby. I absolutely hated seeing him like this. When he hurt I hurt.. I kissed his cheek and stood up "I need to finish my shower.. do you need anything before I go into the bathroom?"I ask. He shakes his head and I go to the bathroom to finish. About 8 minutes later I walk back into the room and get dressed, of course. Henry watched. I've gotten wayyy less insecure since I've started dating Henry. He always makes me happy and knows exactly what to say to make me smile.. I swear that boy could make me get butterflies even after something awful like watching a scary movie .

//yikes that was pretty bad :/ I kinda have writers block so if you guys have any ideas I would really appreciate you commenting any you have. And don't forget to vote for each chapter ;)

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