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Stanley's POV

......I don't even know what to say.... me and Henry Bowers had sex...... I LOST MY VIRGINITY TO HENRY FUCKING BOWERS!!.. we ended up going to bed at like 3 In the morning and when I woke up he was gone .. I assume he just had to leave... so I started smelling my FAVORITE breakfast!.. which my parents usually don't cook which is weird but I went downstairs to get my French toast on!.. "good morning sweetie!.." my mom said as she handed me a plate and sat at the table along with my dad... it was quite for a couple minutes until my mom started talking "did you sleep good last night?" "I slept GREAT!" I say smiling at the thought "I hope you used protection...." I nearly choked on my French toast "e-excuse me?" I ask nearly scared to death. My dad speaks up "we know you had sex and we don't want you getting ANY girl pregnant!" I laugh and they look at me confused... "girl?" I question "well yeah... didn't you have sex last night?" I blushed "well.. yeah .. with a boy.." they both started laughing until they realized I was being serious... "y-...your gay?" They asked Unaware "yes!.. I'm gay!.. AND I ALSO HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" I was getting PISSED!... "wh-... who?" Both my parents say at the same time I yell "HENRY BOWERS IS MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND!" "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN!" My dad yells and my mom spoke up "sweetie you can't date Henry.... he's bad... you wouldn't believe!.. the things ive heard about him!" "B-.. but he's not like that I swear! He's actually really sweet and I think he really cares about me!" My dad laughs "the only thing he wants from you is sex!" "THATS NOT TRUE!" I yell and run up to my room pissed... I started crying on my bed and then I heard something outside my window... Henry...I ran to my window and opened it..

Henry's POV

After I woke up at Stanley's I left.. I had to go to my house so my dad didn't know I left and after my dad went off to work I snuck back to Stans house and climbed onto his roof and he opened the window and I climbed through.... I looked up and saw him crying... it ... it broke my heart almost.... made me sad.... it's been so weird to have these emotions ... I've never really felt them before.... but anyway... once I saw him crying I ran over to him and hugged him "are you okay?" I questioned as I hugged him.... "my-... p-parents found out.. w-w-we has sex and I t-told then I was dating you and th-they said they don't like you... and that you only want me for sex... and .. and-.." I cut him off "well screw them!.. they don't get to tell you who you can or cannot date!.. it's your life!,. AND !!.. I don't just want you for sex... yeah I was hoping we would have sex last night but... I really do love and care about you... you make me feel safe... like ... comfortable.. you make me feel like I can actually be myself..." I can't believe I just poured my feelings out like that.... he smiled at me and hugged me tighter ... "I feel the same about you..." I laugh a little... "you should meet my parents" I hear him say and I nearly have a fucking heart attack.... "w-when?" I say surprised I'm actually considering meeting his parents... he sniffs and looks up at me.. "tonight..." I didn't say anything... "please babbbyyyy!!." He pleaded and gave me puppy dog eyes.. "I'll let you stay the night again!"I jumped up "HELL YEAH!" I exclaimed. He laughed "ok then!.. tonight at 6 come over .. through the front door... and we'll all have dinner together !!.. and wear something nice..." I looked down at my outfit... this is all I really have .... I blushed "is this nice?" I said referring to my outfit ... he giggle and handed me a 20 dollar bill.. "go to the mall and buy something... I have more money if you need it!" ... I kinda blushed more... "can I have like ... another 20?" I ask unsure if that was too much or not... he took the 20 back and handed me a 50. I smile widely "THANKS BABE!" I kiss him and then crawl through his window again and head towards the mall...

Stanley's POV

I invited Henry to dinner and then gave him 50 bucks to go buy something nice to wear!.. I had to go tell my parents and I didn't care if they liked it or not he was coming over...

TIME SKIP: 5:30!

Henry's POV

I couldn't believe what I had just done... I feel like an insane person... what was I thinking!?!... tho I do look hot like this... oh god... I hope Stanley likes it!!.. agh!!.. it's 5:30!!.. I have to go!.. so I hopped in my car and drove to Stanley's house.. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door...

Stanley's POV

It was almost time for dinner when I heard a knock at the door....I knew it was Henry and I ran to the door to let him in...

Damn was all I could say

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Damn was all I could say.... he looked FINE!.. he blushed and looked down... "you don't like it.. do you?" He said quietly.... "are you kidding me!?!.. I LOVE IT!.. you look.. AMAZING!" I was so shocked... he looked up at me and smiled... "thanks" He said before walking into my house.. I could not stop staring at him... he looked SO good!.. "why are you staring at me?" He asked ... "because... you just... look so.. so GOOD!" I said and we both blushed.. then my mom came in ... "oh!.. it's Henry..." trying to act happy.. Henry shook her hand "Hello mrs Uris... I'm Henry Bowers but I assume you already knew that.." he laughs nervously and my mom laughs a little too. My dad walks up to him and looks him up and down... "hm...." he says "dad..... what are you thinking?" I ask almost scared... "he looks.. nice..." he says before walking away into the dining room. We all sit down at the table.. each "couple" across from each other.

Henry's POV

I sat at the table across from stan... I was hoping I could sit next to him so I could tease him but... I guess not today!..

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now