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I woke up in my room shortly after... Henry was laying next to me. Holy fuck he needed to brush his teeth. His whole fucking mouth was open.. right where my nose was.. I groaned and turned around. Like always.. I fell off my bed. It never really hurt that bad. I mean I might end up with a small purple bruise on my arm or thigh but that's okay. I don't mind, the bruises will just blend in with all the hickeys that are literally everywhere that my mom wouldn't see, it may be embarrassing but the place with the most are my thighs... yep.. that's right.. what your thinking right now is true.. Henry found his favorite spot... anyway, like I said. I fell off my bed and Henry did what he always did.

Henry's POV

I heard a loud thump and jumped up "WHAT HAPPENED!?.. ARE YOU OKAY!?" I looked at stan. He was looking down at his legs.. weird.. he didn't seem to hear me either. I clear my throat "Stanley..." he looks up and smiles. I blush a bit and smile back. I usually blush when he smiles at me, I don't know why I just do. He was only wearing his boxers and I saw one of the many hickeys left in some of the most hidden places, places only I have access to.. well he does to but I'm the only person other than him. I sigh "please go put on some pants.. if your mom walks in I don't want her seeing those.." he laughed and nodded "yes 'dad'" he thought this would offend me but it didn't, I smirked "don't you mean 'yes daddy?" I laughed and his face turned sanguine red. He turned around and put pants on, avoiding looking at me. I just giggle and lay back on his bed. I practically live here now. I mean I have to go home sometimes but I'd rather stay here forever. Here there's no dad.. no dad that beats you with his belt and make you feel like your worthless.. here there's two loving parents that feed you and make sure your okay.. and most importantly one awesome fucking boy who I am lucky enough to be dating.... I look over at him and blush. While I was caught up in my thoughts he decided to change his outfit. He had one of my T-shirts which of course was too long. I could tell he wore a thong under it because I could only see a tiny bit of black under the white T-shirt. He moved back over to me and laid down. "Is this better?" He gestured towards his outfit. It wasn't better.. it was actually way worse but I nodded anyway. If I shook my head he would have changed and well.. quite frankly I can't let him do that. He grabbed my hand and brought it down to in between his legs. I blush and look at him. I actually think I was in some sort of trance.. I couldn't move at all. He guided my hand and then leaned in for a kiss. I did the same until he was somehow on top of me. We both already out of breathe and he leaned in for another kiss, I turned my face away and he frowned "what's wrong?" He asked in his innocent voice, it would always sound innocent even though he's the exact opposite of innocent. I looked down and then back up at him "don't you think we've had a little.. too much sex?" He stared at me blankly "Henry?... are you okay?.. you just turned down having sex" I rolled my eyes and looked at him "that's not the only thing I like.." he turned his head sideways a bit "then what kind of stuff do you like other than sex..?" I looked at the wall, thinking for a moment. "Well.. I like to cuddle.. you know that.. and I like to watch movies.. and.. we haven't really gone on a date yet. I'd really love to take you on a date." He smiled "well then how about tomorrow we go on a date?.. you plan it and I show up!" I laughed and smiled back "sounds great, as long as you pay" we both laugh and he nods "I will.. but I'm not gonna pay for all of our dates.. you need to get a job mister." He kissed my cheek and got off of me, going back to his spot next to me. I turn to look at him "but I'm not good at anything.. where could I work?" He shrugged "just work at the ice cream shop or something.. that could be fun.." I sigh "I'll consider it." I kiss his cheek and give him a half smile. He wraps his arms around me and gets as close as he can, he closes his eyes and I do the same. A minute later he growls, I open my eyes and look at him "go brush your teeth. Now!" 😐 I do as he says and brush my teeth. Once I come back he's asleep. I lay down and cuddle him until I fall asleep as well.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now