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Henry's POV

We had all of our bags packed and all of our money put in a secret place inside the car and some in our bags as well as our pockets. Stanley hugged his parents and I waved goodbye. 'Click' our seatbelts locked and we took off towards our destination.. California

We were both extremely excited and barely got any sleep last night despite our knowledge of how tiring being on the road this long would be. We stopped at the Derry gas station first to fill up my car and get snacks. Stanley smiled at me "what do you want from inside babe?.. chips?.. Mountain Dew?" I smiled "I'll just take a few Mountain Dews, thanks" he winked and ran inside, I filled up the tank and payed with my credit card. He ran back to the car with two bags and a 12 pack of Mountain Dew. I smirked "ya ready?" He nodded "ready" we both got back in and put our seatbelts on. I started the car and we zoomed off.

Stanley's POV

We've been driving for over five hours and surprisingly I haven't taken one nap. Henry had already gone through most of his sodas which made me laugh. We played quiet a few road games. I spy, even though Henry was driving, he's a really good driver by the way.. it's almost as if he has been driving since he could walk. I looked out the window "OOO HENRY LOOK!!" I pointed at a heard of horses and he laughed "your acting like you've never seen a heard of horses.." I giggled a bit. My cheeks heating up a tiny bit, "I've never seen that many horses.. only like two or three at one time.. but back there.. there was like.. a million.." he laughed and I smiled at him. I am absolutely loving this trip already. We had made a few stops at gas stations and at rest stops to stretch and to go to the bathroom. He turned on his music but after a while I just turned it off. It's not that I didn't like his music but I preferred silence, or just having conversations with Henry. I love his voice. It was so calming and made me feel safe. He moved his hand over to mine and interlocked our fingers. I smiled big and blushed a bit "I love you Henry." He looked over at me quickly and smiled back "I love you too" He looked back at the road and kept driving. This was honestly the best. Just me, him.. the road.. it made me so happy!.. I am so happy Henry planned this out. He's so fucking amazing!!! I wonder if he has anything romantic planned out for us in California?.. I wonder what our first hotel will be like.. heh.. it better not be some cockroach infested, nasty, crusty ass, haunted motel in some random town. Actually.. ya know what!?.. I wouldn't mind that, as long as I have Henry, he is my everything and I can't wait for our future together!.

Henry's POV

I'm so happy I decided to go on this trip. Having Stanley next to me and the road in front of us was everything I could ever wish for. He made me so damn happy. I can't wait until we get to San Francisco, that will be our 3rd main stop in California. I have something extra special planned there.. it's been making me pretty nervous but I'm a good actor. My eighteenth birthday is coming up soon this summer, and Stanley's I'm in December.. after that we can move to wherever we want, we can get a house.. and live happily ever after heh.. happily ever after. That reminds me of Stan and his adorable obsession with Disney movies. I laughed to myself and Stanley smiled at me before looking back out the window. It was only 4 p.m. damn we've been driving since around 10.. wow.. and we still got a couple more days of our trip left. I don't mind though, as long as I'm with my beautiful, loving boyfriend I'm good ;)

//sorry I like literally just wrote that, I've been too excited about doing this to make you guys wait any longer. My friend told me to wait like a month to post this part but I was like "as if I could ever do that" I mean I love torturing you guys but I'm not that mean 😂

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