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Henry's POV

As I said.. I was sitting across from stan. His mom and dad sat across from each other also and I had to admit.. the beginning of dinner wasn't so bad.. we ate some food.. talked.. and ate more.. but that was before.. before stuff got interesting...

Stanley's POV

Holyyyy fuck!!!.. holyyyy fuck!!.. this can't actually be happening.. this reallyyy can't be happening!!!

Stanley's moms POV

D-d-did he?-... no.. he couldn't have.. oh my god,. Why.. why.. why.. no no no.. NOT TODAY SATAN!!.. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?

Stanley's dads POV

I am SO close!!.. to punching this Henry kid in the face.. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!?.. I CANNOT BELIEVE HE REALLY JUST DID THAT!!.. AHHH!!.

//I know this was like the shortest chapter EVER but I wanted some spice and I needed to update so here ya go!! ;) //

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now