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Stanley's POV

I went over to Henry's window and climbed through I got on his bed and kept crying, I was waiting for him to go back into his room. His room was pretty messy so I started cleaning while I waited. About 20 minutes later he walked in crying. "Henry!" I didn't wanna hug him cause I knew his back hurt. I grabbed his hand "we need to go to my house.." he nodded "o-ok.." we climbed out of the window and drove to my house. We got into my room and I grabbed a first aid kit. He didn't have a shirt on which I was definitely ok with, his abs are fucking flawless. I gently dabbed a disinfectant wipe along his back and then put band aids on, I gently kissed his back and held his hand "I love you.." that's all I said. I didn't ask any questions about wether it hurt or not. Or what he was gonna do about his dad.. or anything.. I just told him I love him. That's all that should matter at the moment.. at least I think so.. he smiled "I love you too." My poor baby looks horrible. I blushed and giggled at my thoughts "Can I touch your abs?" I giggled again and he laughed "sure.." he carefully leaned back, his hands holding him up on the bed, I sat on his lap and ran my fingers along each muscle. I saw a few scars and kissed them, I don't know why but I felt like I needed to. He smiled at me, but I can tell he's in a lot of pain. I tried to be as gentle as possible. I kissed him and sat next to him "you should just live here.. away from your dad..". Henry smiled at the thought "that would be great.. but I can't.." I frowned "why?" He sighed "i only cause problems Stanley.. I'd be no good here.." he shook his head "no no no.. you'd be great.." he shook his head "I'm sorry but no" I went to hug him but remembered I can't. I giggled "how are we gonna have sex without hurting your back?.." he laughed "we can figure that out later" he winked and we both laughed. I gasped. He looked at me alertedly. "What's wrong?" I almost yelled "WE CANT CUDDLE!" He gasped and laughed a bit. I crossed my arms, I was actually pissed "YOUR DADS AN ASS!!" He gave me a strange look. "Calm down st-.." I cut him off "NO!.. I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!.. HOW WILL I SURVIVE NOT CUDDLING WITH MY BOYF-.." he kissed me before I could finish my sentence "now calm down..." I frowned and nodded "ok.." he laid down on his stomach "I'm tired.." he yawned and I laid next to him

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now