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Stanley's POV

"So this is what happened.. Henry came over here just like I thought he would, he was begging me not to post your guys pics so I made a deal with him. I won't post it as long as he lets me have sex with him.." he laughs and I gasp "he was begging me , asking me if there was any other way, I told him that was the only way and after he kept telling me he couldn't cheat... he agreed.." he smirked "my favorite part was when he was crying and begging for me to stop as I fucking pounded him." I felt sick to my stomach. No wonder Henry didn't wasn't to talk to me.. I felt disgusted but I also felt furious, I wanted to beat the hell out of Patrick but I knew I wouldn't stand a chance . He kept getting into more and more detail. I finally stood up and ran out. I got in Henry's car and started driving back to my house, I was bawling my eyes out. I feel like Patrick just grabbed a knife and cut a big hole in mine and Henry's relationship. I feel so bad for Henry. But deep down I also feel something else.. I feel hatred .. not only for Patrick but for Henry, I feel like he didn't have to let Patrick do that. Henry's stronger than Patrick he could have just taken his phone away and deleted the pictures or something.. he let Patrick rape him.. no it wasn't rape cause Henry liked it.. Patrick and Henry are lying to me aren't they?.. Henry could've stopped him but he didn't!.. Henry cheated!!.. I pressed my foot on the gas pedal a little and started speeding towards the house "that mother fucker doesn't know what's coming., I'm gonna beat the gay out of that boy.." I growled and park the car in the front yard. I stomped into the house and went into my room and yelled at Henry who was just laying on my bed "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!.. YOU CHEATED!!" He jumped up "I-.. I didn't cheat.." I laugh "Oh now you wanna talk to me!?!.. you're fucking pathetic Henry Bowers I know you cheated.." he started crying "I didn't cheat... I would never do that. Patrick-.." I cut him off and mimicked him in an annoyed voice "I didn't cheat I would never do that!" He stood up and I pushed him back onto the bed. He frowned and looked at the floor "I really didn't cheat.. on purpose.. h-he did something to me I didn't want him to do.." I glared "bullshit!.. YOU DIDNT HAVE TO LET HIM DO IT!!.. YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED HIM!.." he looked at me and just cried more "no I couldn't!" I laughed again "yes you could Henry.. your the strongest person I know.. way stronger than 'Patrick cockstetter' and you know that" he looked down and kept crying. I grabbed him by the arm and pushed him out of my room "leave you bitch and don't fucking come back I hate you!.. I don't want you to be my boyfriend anymore!.. I don't date cheaters!!.." I slammed the door and locked it. I slid down the door and sat on the floor leaning against it. Henry kept knocking on my door but I ignored him. I heard my father walk out into the hallway "Henry I think you should leave.." my dad said. Henry was still crying. I could tell "but mr Uris.." my dad just told him to leave again and with that. He left....

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now