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Stanley's POV

I walked back to my house, or at least tried to. I felt like I had just gotten my soul knocked out of me with only one punch... though it felt like eight, my arm burned but I was too tired to do anything but walk straight to my house. I got there and went to the bathroom...

HoLy sHiT!.. I looked in the mirror and-... damnnn-... Patrick didn't just punch me once... he must have gone full on attack mode once I was on the ground. I had a bruise on my cheekbone right under my eye and a busted li-.. oh my god my arm... my fucking arm... holy shit.. no no no... that explains the stinging sensation ... holyyyy fuck!!.. welp.. now I know what Patrick thinks of me.. I have "liar" cut into my fucking arm.. OH GOD IT STINGS!!.. I swear it hurts worse now that I see it.. I'm surprised I haven't lost that much blood.. I mean my vision hasn't been the clearest since I woke up but-.. HOLY SHIT! Fuck I swear it stings worse now that I see it, I grabbed a rag and got it wet. I cleaned it up and then grabbed a first aid kit from under the sink. After I wrapped my arm up I tended to my face. There was no way I was gonna be able to hide this from anyone... I wish my mom wore makeup.. then I could use it... FUCK!.. this is all Patrick's fault!!.. wait till Henry sees-.... oh wait... Henry obviously doesn't love me anymore... heh... a tear rolled down the side of my face and I didn't even bother to wipe it away. I changed my clothes and cuddled up under my blankets. I started to bawl my eyes out, I probably looked like a fucking zombie right know... I took a couple minutes to think about what's happened that day.. it just made the whole thing worse so I decided to just go to sleep and hopefully I'll get in a come and wake up!!.. ugh...

Henry's POV

After crying in the school bathroom for almost an hour started looking for one of the "nerds" that lurked around our school, I finally found one. Jeremy Taylor... I growled and pushed him against a locker. I knew his parents were rich and that he always carried around a lot of money. "I need your wallet!" Of course since my eyes were red from crying so much I was definitely a lot 'scarier' than usual. Without hesitation this loser threw his wallet to the ground. I leaped after it and smirked "pleasure doin business with ya" I laughed and stole Patrick's car. It was kinda weird though, his steering wheel had blood on it. I just assumed it was from some idiot who tried to get in his way... oh well.. I started driving towards the cheapest jewelry store in town.. and by jewelry store I mean pawn shop. I hopped out and sprinted inside. I looked through almost every piece of jewelry until I found the perfect one. It was a two piece. Together they were a heart that said 'forever' I mean I know it's pretty cheesy.. or a cliché or whatever but I knew Stanley would like it. I hope this fixes what I did-.... Wait who am I kidding.. he's probably fucking traumatized.. I hope this fixes a fraction of what I did, anyway I paid-... $80 for it.. that the most I've ever spent on anything.. damn... I got back in Patrick's car and drove to stans house. It was probably around 7:00 or maybe 8:00 I don't know.. I climbed up and thankfully the window was unlocked... he was asleep so I opened it as quiet as possible, until I fell face first on his floor "ow!!" I sat up and saw him beginning to awake....

Stanley's POV

I heard a loud thump and woke up... I saw Henry on my floor... I completely forgot about my face and arm.. "GET OUT!!.. RIGHT NOW!!.." he kept trying to talk but I interrupted every time "LEAVE!!! YOU FUCKING CHEATER!!" He shot me a confused look "cheater?-.... I didn't cheat on you.." how the fuck could he lie to me after everything that's happened "and-... baby.. what happened to your face?-..." oh he did not just call me baby "IM NOT YOUR BABY ANYMORE HENRY!!.. YOU CHEA-.." he covered my mouth with his hand "shut up your parents are gonna come up here... and I DIDNT cheat!!.. I would NeVeR!.. cheat! I don't know why you'd think that..." he licked his hand hoping it would make him take his hand off my mouth but nope. He kept it on and laughed "that tickl-." I cut him off with a growl and he let go "I saw you with Jeremy earlier!!.." he laughed again and I felt a pain in my chest, why would he think that's funny? "I wasn't cheating on you... you must have seen me when I was stealing his wallet.." a confused look spread across my face "why would you steal his w-.." he grabbed a bag off the floor "to buy you this.." he pulled out a small box and opened it. Two half-heart shaped necklaces. I smiled "you got these for us?" He nodded and grabbed my hand. I wasn't angry anymore.... but the drama definitely wasn't over... he put it around my neck and around his and tucked it under he collar of his shirt "now tell me why you looked like you got attacked by mental patient.. who did this to you?" I remembered what happened and growled "a mental patient did do this to me..... Patrick.. your fucking dog!.." his face completely changed from what was just concern to pure anger. He stood up "I'll be back in a little bit-.." he opened the window again and I jumped up, "Henry please don't do this.." I knew exactly what his plans were. He ignored me and climbed out of the window. His teeth and fists clenched "stay here .. I don't want you getting hurt..." I got out of he window "no!!.. I'm going with you!.." I couldn't try to stop him from going. He's gonna do it anyway. He ignored me again and ran to his car. Before I could get in he sped off and I frowned. I sat on my front steps and started to cry again.

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