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Stanley's POV

I'm starting to worry, what if.. oh god I can't believe I'm about to say this.. what if Henry's cheating on me?.. with Patrick.. I mean.. just think about it.. the whole 'Patrick and henry' thing, Henry could have totally left without Patrick having sex with him!!.. he probably loved it!.. and that's probably where he goes. Over to Patrick's. The thought of him kissing Patrick makes me sick, it makes me sad.. mad... confused. All those awful emotions all at once. I wanna confront him.. i'm gonna..yep. Right when he walks through that d-.. oh god he just walked in.. ohhhh god.. Nope I'm not doing it, but I have to.. god Stanley just take a deep breath, "Henry... I need to talk to you.." he smiled and kissed me, I almost gagged, I pushed him away, my fear leaving my body, being replaced by all those other emotions from earlier. He gave me a strange look "what's wrong?" He tried to smile. I mimicked what he said and scoffed "what's wrong?. Ha!.. your funny Bowers.." he raised an eyebrow "did I do something wrong?" He frowned. He disgusts me.. acting all innocent. I crossed my arms "oh shut the fuck up, I know why you've been leaving late at night!.. I KNOW EXACTLY WHY! YOU FUCKING SLUT!" His eyes widened but he still looked confused. "Y-you know why I've been leaving at night?" He almost sounded scared, I growled "yes!.. I know you're cheating on me!!!" He sighed and laughed "thank god you don't know what I've been doing.. it's supposed to be a surprise.." what the fuck is he talking about "what do you mean!?.. YOURE CHEATING ON ME!" He shook his head and.. giggled.. wow.. what a bitch.. acting all innocent.. I rolled my eyes. "Stop pretending that it isn't true.." he tried to hug me but I pushed him away "no!!" He frowned "I'm not Che-.." I cut him off by pushing him. Directly towards my door. And after he was out of my room I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him outside. I ran back in and locked all doors and windows!.. hmpf!.. hopefully I'll never see him again!!

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now