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Stanley's POV

ok-..I have to say.. Henry is literally the best when it comes to sex. I mean earlier was AMAZING!.. and now we're showering together. I just can't believe he's actually mine!!. I also can't believe we have school tomorrow.. Yep.. today's Sunday which mean that tomorrow we have school.. and I don't know I were trying to keep our relationship secret or not. I mean Beverly knows but that's it.. what if the other kids bully me?-.. nah.. I'm dating Henry.. they'll be too scared to.. but what if I get made fun of?-.. nah.. Henry will beat there ass'.. I guess I don't really have anything to worry about.. well except for-.. Henry came up behind me in the shower and kissed my neck. I blushed "wow.. you never stop do you?" I laughed and turned around. "After we shower were gonna have to go to sleep.. we have school tommo-.." "WE HAVE SCHOOL!?" He asked and I nodded "UGHHH!!.. but I wanted to spend the day with youuu... cuddling..." I blushed and hugged him.. "we can cuddle.. after school.." he whined "noooo" I laughed at his response and moved away "fine then no cuddling" he gasped and hugged me again "ok ok.. I'll wait till after school" we both laughed and finished up in the shower. After we got out we both went into my room to dry off, he laid on my bed naked and I laughed "you have to get dressed.." his face was pressed against the pillow so his voice was muffled "no.." I smiled "if you do...I'll give you a blow job.." I wouldn't actually but he didn't know that, he jumped up "I need clothes.." I laughed and handed him a pair of his boxers, I don't know when they got here but he literally has five pair of boxers here.. we've only been dating since Friday.. "just wear that.." I say as I put on my boxers. He paused "wait.. if I put my boxers on how will you give me a blow job?" I laughed and didn't say anything. "Your not gonna give me one huh?" He asked and I laughed and again didn't say anything. He groaned and put on the boxers anyway, we both laid down and he wrapped his arms around me and yawned "goodnight beautiful.." I blushed and smiled "goodnight handsome..." he smiled and closed his eyes, we both drifted off and then at about five in the morning I woke up..

One of the things about Dating Henry is that he's always horny.. especially in his sleep.. I woke up with him dry humping my ass.. and the thing was.. he was still dreaming. I tried to move away a little but his arms were wrapped around me and I'm Too weak to move them. I sighed and laid there "Henry wake up" he didn't do anything so I spoke a little louder "Henry wake up!!" Still he laid asleep. "HENRY!" I yelled and he jumped "what!?!.. who is it!?!.. are you hurt!?" His eyes opened. "No henry I'm not hurt.. you were humping me in my sleep!.. you horny bastard!" I laughed and he blushed "sorry.. I was dreaming about you.." I blushed and giggled "Well time to go back to sleep.. and this time try not to fuck me in your sleep.." he laughed and nodded "I'll try" I smiled and closed my eyes again. He wrapped his arms back around me and we went back to sleep.

It was now 6. I woke up cause I felt myself moving, I felt something in me and looked down, my boxers were off and so were Henry's... "Henry Bowers.... what the hell!?" He looked at me "uh-..." his dick was currently in my ass. "Henry what the fuck are you doing!?.." i whimpered when I tried to move "Sorry... not really..." I slapped him. Not hard.. but not soft either "sorry I woke up a couple minutes ago and got kinda horny.." he said to me and I glared "please stop.." he pushed further into me and I whimpered louder "Henry Bowers !..this hurts!!" He frowned and pulled out "Sorry" I pushed him off my bed and he fell on the ground "what the hell!?!" He said as I put my boxers on "what the hell!?!?.. you literally just tried to fuck me while I was sleeping!!.." he rolled his eyes "sorry" I glared again "don't you roll your eyes at me mister". He growled. "Oh.. are you a dog now?.. well guess what.. at my house.. dogs sleep OUTSIDE!" I threw all his clothes out my window and he jumped up "HEY!!.." he threw his hands up "LEAVE!.." I yelled and he looked at me "why!?!.. what did I do!?" I scoffed "are you kidding me!?.. you just tried to rape me!!" He growled again "it wasn't rape!!" "You did it without my consent Henry!!.. I didn't want you to!!" He pushed me....... he.. he pushed me.. my head went back to Friday when he kissed me.. the thought I was thinking then was exactly what I was thinking now. 'I knew dating him was gonna be dangerous.' My heart sped up. It was only a push but I was on my floor now. I looked up at him and his eyes were filled with anger. "I can do whatever I want!" He growled once again. "N-no you can't.." I said scared. He looked at me disgusted "Yes I can.... your mine I get to do whatever I want with you.." I backed up and felt my eyes begin to fill with tears. He walked closer "Henry what's wrong with you?" He grabbed my arm harshly "NOTHINGS WRONG WITH ME!" I flinched and started crying. "P-please dont hurt me.." his eyes widened and he let go. He backed up into my dresser "I-.." i sat on the floor and sobbed. He got out my window and grabbed his clothes, getting in his car and driving away. I sat there there crying until my alarm went off at seven o'clock. Time to get ready for school...

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now