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Henry's POV

My back hurt so much worse when I woke up in the middle of the night. even if I only moved a tiny bit it would hurt more than anything I've ever felt. I started crying when I woke up, Stanley woke up from my crying and tried to calm me down. He googled ways to help and found that if he rubbed ice on my back it would help but I was not up for that. We agreed that he would take a cold shower with me. He started the water and helped me take my clothes off. Seeing him naked and not being able to do anything was honestly really fucking hard. Watching his ass, water running down his back-.. Wait.. why am I saying all of this?!.. Uhh.. moving on.. the cold water did feel pretty good on my back, but I still dreaded this, and to make matters worse I randomly got hella horny.. I had to look away from Stanley before I ignored my pain and shoved him against that shower wall right there and then.. but.. I remained calm and kept to myself. I could tell he was struggling too though, I watched out of the corner of my eye as he looked me up and down. He looked like a hungry wolf waiting for the right moment to go after its prey. I used my hand to raise his chin so he looked At me. "You better stop staring baby before I end up doing something that will hurt us both." He blushed. I stared at his flustered face as he tried to look away but I still wouldn't let him "you know I love you right?" He nodded "yeah.." I smirked "but you also know I'm not afraid to push you to your limits right?" He nodded "yes.." I smiled and kissed him, releasing him from my intimidating stare. His face was bright red. I guess my sudden burst of dominance control got him a little... excited.. I decided that was enough of the shower so I turned it off and tried my best to get out without hurting myself, he pouted but I ignored him. I couldn't dry myself because of the stinging sensation all over my back. From the bottom to the top. He got dressed and glared a bit "how am I supposed to survive the night without any 'fun' if your naked?" I groaned and started putting on only my boxers and pajama pants. We both laid down "goodnight beautiful.." he blushed and then smirked. A sudden jolt of confidence ran through the smaller boy "goodnight...daddy.." he winked before he turned off the light and closed his eyes I growled "You're so lucky my back is preventing a from moving that much otherwise you'd be bent over your bed right now, face pressed against your sheets.." he giggled quietly and they both soon fell asleep

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now