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Stanley's POV

After we left the hospital we went back to the motel. It stunk!.. don't they have room service or something?!.. ugh.. anyway, we packed up our stuff and went as soon as possible... Incase you were wondering.. I basically had a heart attack. Except.. it wasn't as bad as one. But it still hurt like hell, the feeling of my heart, pumping so fast hurt like balls!..heh.. well anyway..like I said we left as soon as possible.. I looked out the window most of the time. There was the occasional convo me and him had. I saw a couple of dead dear.. that was interesting.. we still had a few days until we got to our final destination tho-.. and.. Henry's been acting weird.. hmmm.. oh well.. I guess I'll just have to wait until we get to our next stop to ask questions.. I don't wanna distract him while he's driving!.

Guys please help, I have such bad writers block, I need inspiration for this story and there's no one better at inspiring me than you guys!!., heh jk I hate you all... JUST KIDDING lol!,. You know I love you all and I'm extremely sorry for not updating in so long.. i need your guys' help.. I don't know what to do

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