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Stanley's POV

I marched to my room and laid on my bed. Arms crossed. "Ugh!" I was pissed and disgusted!.. who does he think he is!?.. I bet he went straight to Patrick's after I kicked him out.. there probably having sex.. or maybe cuddling.. or maybe Henry and Patrick are just sitting quietly, listing to each other breathing because nothing's better than that-.. ugh.. I'm gonna miss that.. Henry was the sweetest person I know.. he was also the most gentle.. besides that.. one time.. oh my god I love him but he clearly doesn't love me. It was either me break up with him or live the rest of my life with a liar and a cheater. So I picked the first one.. damn I really need his cuddles right now... I need him right next to me. His legs and arms wrapped around me. Making me feel safe.. and loved.. jeez he was one good actor.. obviously.. like I said.. h-..he doesn't.. love me... I started to tear up as I laid in my room. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help myself. It all started flowing out of me. It felt good but I still didn't want to cry. Why should I be sad when I just saved myself from even more pain!?.. I should just be happy!!.. or should I?.. oh my goddd these fucking emotions are too much for me to handle right now!!.. I got up and went into the bathroom. I reached for a medicine bottle and took two pills. They were for my insomnia.. I never really talk about it around people and I haven't really been taking them around Henry cause' I just thought it wasn't that big of a deal. I laid back down and my eyes started to slowly close. Everything around me became pitch black until I saw a bright beam of light. I walked toward it and started falling. I landed in a pool.. or maybe it's an ocean?.. I think it's an ocean.. I held my breath and looked around. I saw a shark. It came right after me but I closed my eyes tight. When I opened them I was in a forest instead of the water. I looked around and saw a wolf. It came after me.. fuck!.. why is everything trying to kill me he-.. wait a minute?-.. I woke up and looked around confused "what the fuck kinda dream was that!?" I accidentally say out loud. I shrugged. I decided to just stay up..

// Damn these past chapters have been pretty short. Sorry I've kept you all so long just for two little chapters

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