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Henry's POV

-kinky asf-

"Roses are red.. violets are blue.. Stanley Uris I wanna fuck you.." I gave Stanley a serious look but he burst out in laughter "YOURE THE BEST POET EVER!!" I smirked and nodded "I know.. but.. I wasn't kidding.. we haven't.. you know.. had sex in a while.." we both kinda blushed. I pulled up to the hotel and he giggled "well.. I mean.. we are at the hotel now.." he bit his lip and looked at the hotel and then back at me. I smirked and grabbed my stuff out of the car, we both ran into the room, immediately throwing our stuff to the side and kissing. It was passionate and full of lust. We both began stripping each other's clothes off, one by one. He pushed me back onto the bed and I pulled him on top of me. Our bodies pressed together. It was like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. Our tongues fought for dominance but surprisingly he won this time. He was taking complete control over me and I didn't mind one bit. He giggled, but it wasn't the cute, kind, giggle he always had. No.. this time, it was almost evil. It Brought shivers to my spine and only made me want him more. I love scaring people.. but for some odd reason. I loved being scared.. no not necessarily scared but like.. curious I guess you could say. Like that feeling when your watching that scary movie and that intense gory scene comes on. It makes your skin crawl but you are enjoying every second. It didn't hit me, why he giggled that way, until he got off me and went to his bag. Shit that kinky mother fucker. He grabbed rope.. well.. it wasn't really rope.. rope hurts, but his was some sort of soft, cloth. He tied my wrists to two Corners of the bed and I let him. He kept my legs free for the time being. His cold, skinny fingers trailed over my stomach. He traced every muscle causing me to get goosebumps all over. He smirked. Fuck I love this new side of Stanley. It scared me but also excited me, made me want more. Made me crave him. He got on top of me and leaned in. We were about to kissed but he stopped. I could feel his hot breath against my lips. Damn this was fucking sexy. I let him take complete control over me. He smirked once again and went to my neck, he brushed his lips against the sensitive skin. Goosebumps. Again. He smiled and kissed my throat gently. Leaving a trail of kisses all the way down to the bottom of my stomach. The feeling of his lips still lingered along my stomach. He made eye contact before he-.. holy fuck he's so gorgeous I wanted to look away but I was mesmerized by this sight, this beautiful fucking sight and-.. "Ohhh stanley.." I tilted my head back. Disconnecting our gaze to one another. His mouth was warm around my member and this time it felt better than it ever had. All this teasing and dominance from him made me wanna scream. He went slow and made sure it lasted as long as it could. His hands trailed up my torso and he massaged my nipples gently with his finge-.. holy fucking shit, oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck, I arched my back. High pitched moans and heavy breathing filled the room. I was reaching my climax and he knew it. He moved away and I whined loudly "no no no.. please don't stop-.. oh god no!" I felt like crying. This boy was such a fucking tease. I can't wait until I get untied. He giggled again. "You have to be patient..." I growled at him and he just laughed again. His hands gently rubbed my thighs as I whined. "Stanley I swear to god-.." he kissed me, shutting me up. He wrapped his hand around my length and started pumping. I tried to relax but i couldn't. My hips bucked up and I moaned loudly. I can feel myself getting closer and right when I thought he'd stop he didn't, Yes, fuck yes, he was letting me-.. ohh I released onto his hand and he smiled "that was fun wasn't it?" I panted and nodded as he licked his hand clean. After a couple minutes he untied me and I laid there, exhausted. He turned on the tv and laid down. I just fell asleep right away.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now