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Henry's POV

We tore off each other's clothes and pressed our bodies back together.. he laid on the bed and I was on top. Our lips were like magnets and it was like it was impossible to pull them apart. I trailed my hands down to his waist and smirked, I sat up and rubbed his thighs "mmm... I see someone's getting horny huh?" Stanley made a squeaking sound and nodded "m-mhm" he shifted his hips and lifted his legs up a little, I sat up a little more and spread his legs. (Fuck I'm cringing so hard lord please help me) he bit his lip and I sat in between his legs. He grabbed on to my arms and looked me in the eyes-.. fuck those eyes.. black.. full of lust..I could almost see his thoughts and I knew exactly what he was thinking even without him saying it. I bit my lip nervously, we had already done this but I just wasn't sure if he really wanted to. At the moment. I decided to stall for a bit, I bent down and kissed him again and he kissed back hungrily. He grinded his hips against mine and they moved slowly in sync with each other. I kissed down his jaw and onto his neck, he let out soft wails as I left trails of hickeys, I smirked and thought of how embarrassed he'd be when his parents saw. He would be embarrassed but I knew he'd like it. I slowly sucked dark purple love bites all over his neck and chest. Stanley kept his eyes shut as I marked up what was mine. I admired how quiet he was and how still he was being, I could tell he trusted me with his body, I mean we are in love..

About five minutes later stan spoke up "b-babe?-... we've been doing this for a while.. when are we gonna get to the real fun?" He smiled a bit and blushed. "Are you sure you wanna do this baby?" I asked wanting him not to feel at least the tiniest bit uncomfortable. "I'm sure... I want to do this.." he said and gave me a reassuring smile. I sighed and looked down before looking back at him "I-..I don't know.. are you su-..." he wrapped his arms around me and before I knew it he flipped us over and he was on top. He grabbed my dick which made me groan quietly and then pressed it against his ass. It felt weird.. not the fact that he was about to ride me but he fact that he was.. in control right now.. his mouth went into the shape of an o and he kept his hands pressed against my chest, he sat down slowly and whimpered. I felt bad cause I knew it would hurt at first but I wasn't complaining, he felt amazing. Once he sat all the way down he made himself get tighter. Earning a loud moan from me. He sat there for a minute, breathing loudly before he started moving. He wasn't really 'bouncing' it was more of him rocking back and forth. We both moaned as he went faster, my hands gripped the sides of his hips and his hands gripped my chest. He was a complete mess that consisted of sweat, moans, and whimpers. I tried so hard but I couldn't help myself, I thrusted up quickly and he gasped, whimpering louder. God damnit I wanted it to stop hurting. After a couple minutes his whimpers turned into loud moans and he started going faster. I bounced him up and down and his grip tightened on me. He threw his head back and then would look at me. He bent down to kiss me and I smirked. His eyes widened a bit and he moaned even louder "oH my gosh!!.." I snapped my hips up and thrusted hard. He couldn't control his moans. He bit his lip "f-fuck!!..faster daddy.. faster!!" He practically yelled, I could tell his parents were most likely not gonna get much more sleep than we are gonna get. I listened and went faster, moaned quieter than him but still loudly. His breathing got quicker "I'm c-close.. fuck!!.. HENRY IM CLOSE!!.." he yelled and I went faster, before I knew it we were both finally still, except he was still sitting on my dick. We were a sticky mess. I lifted him off of me and we both panted, trying. To catch our breath. Once we were both relaxed I looked at him and then at my stomach "Damn" he looked at me confused "what?" There was a tiny bit of worry in his voice and I just laughed "that's a lot.." I pointed to the sticky substance currently dripping down my stomach. He blushed and stood up, "wanna shower?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand, walking to the bathroom connected to his room.

It had only been about 20 minutes and I already had him pressed against the bathroom wall. I wasn't planning on having sex again I just really fucking loved his lips. He pulled away out of breath "babe we have to shower.." I nodded and he grabbed some soap, cleaning his hair first and then his body. I watched as I scrubbed myself

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now