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Stanley's POV

It's been almost three hours.. Henry hasn't said one word to me. He's just been laying in my bed staring at my ceiling, what the fuck!?.. I tried a few things to get him to talk but it didn't work.. I tried to unzip his pants and he almost slapped me in the face!.. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHEN HE WENT TO PATRICKS!?.. all this stress and anxiety lately has been horrible. What if Patrick posted the pictures!?.. I've been to scared to go on my phone. I just want my boyfriend to talk to me. It can't be that bad can it?.. seriously though.. what was so bad that Henry won't talk to me!?.. I need to go talk to Patrick. I told Henry I was gonna go get a snack but I actually just left. I took his car and drove to Patrick's. I knocked a couple times and he answered. He had the dirtiest smirk and I knew something must have happened when Henry came over. I felt like I was gonna throw up. I wanted to know what happened but at the same time I was terrified to know what happened. Patrick laughed "blondy didn't tell you what happened huh?" I shook my head. I couldn't talk I knew I'd just choke over on my words. He grinned "you want me to tell you don't you?" I nodded and he moved out of the way so I could walk inside. He shut the screen door and we both sat down across from each other. He grabbed a beer and offered me one but I shook my head. He cracked open the can and took a sip "so this is what happened..."

//Sorry this was pretty short but I wanted to leave this part at a cliffhanger so you guys would have to wait to hear the story. Some may say it's evil.. but I just think it's funny//

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