6- SMUT!

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Stanley's POV

Henry's been acting so weird and I just can't seem to figure out why....

We were about 7 hours away from Sacramento which was our first stop. California is so gorgeous. We've taken so many picture, and by we I mean I forced him to take cute couple photos with me at every rest stop we got to. Besides having to go to the hospital and Henry acting weird... this vacation has been so amazing, but of course... to put an end to this amazing time.. I started getting horny, and I mean reallyyyy horny.. it just happened randomly and all of a sudden I started thinking about everything I want Henry to do to me right now... 🤤 I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, my pants started getting tighter. I didn't want to distract Henry while he was driving but what am I supposed to do?? All I can think about is how big Henry is... and how good his cum tastes.. fuckkkk.... he glanced over at me and I blushed, I immediately covered up my crotch. Henry raised an eyebrow and grinned "what ya hidin' there hun?" I blushed harder and shook my head "nothing da-.." I quickly shut my mouth fucking Christ.. Henry bit his lip as he stared at the road "hm? What were you about to call me?" My whole face was red from embarrassment. I completely gave in "daddy..." a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "Show daddy what your hiding from him..." he glanced over at my covered up lap as I moved my hands, revealing my bulge. He bit his lip "mm.. what made you so hard kitten? What are you thinking about right now?" His words made me want him even more, he clearly was enjoying this, but I couldn't tell him! Or could I? NOPE! I do NOT want him to get distracted and crash. A low growl came from the seat next to me. "Tell daddy what you were thinking right now..." I whined "But.... I don't want you to get distracted..." I protested but it was no use. He smirked as I sat in the seat uncomfortably, my dick starting to hurt from how hard I was and how tight these jeans are. The car pulled over on the side of the road, and I looked at dadd-... Henry! Damnit.. I looked over at Henry!.. he bit his lip at me "back seat.. now.." I smirked and did as I was told, he locked the car doors and thankfully the windows were tinted. He climbed back next to me and made the back of the seat go level so it was basically a bed :|. I laid back and he got on top of me, I could feel his bulge pressed against mine. I looked up and stared into his lust filled eyes. "Tell daddy what you were thinking about that got you so hard..." I blushed, I couldn't just disobey him.. damn this is getting heated.. but Henry is just so god damn sexy I can't help getting this way. "Well-..." I started off, trying to figure out the best way to explain my thoughts. "I was imagining..." I blushed harder, I struggled to speak since I'm usually pretty shy. Even around Henry sometimes "I was imaging you.. tying my hands behind my back and well... fucking... my... mouth.." I was so awkward but I had to tell him! I looked down while Henry just smirked at me. "Hmmm... he got off me "get on your knees..." I sat up as he fixed the seat to its original position and pulled a small lever, sliding it more towards the back of the car so there was more room. I got on my knees and looked up at him. Henry's eyes went to my pants and he reached down, rubbing me through my pants slightly, earning a whimper from me. "Take your pants off.." he demanded as he moved his hand away. It was hard since it was a small space but I got my pants off and my shirt. Now all I was wearing was a thong. Henry bit his lip again and caressed my cheek "so beautiful... you have the most perfect body I've ever seen.." he spoke softly and leaned down, gently kissing my lips. I blushed "thank you daddy..." he really knows how to make me feel good about myself. I believed every word he said. "Your welcome gorgeous.." he slowly started to unzip his pants, my eyes immediately going to where his hands were. He then stopped "I almost forgot.." he reached into the back seat and grabbed a bandana. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back..." I nodded and turned around. He carefully tied my hands together. "You're gonna be a good boy for daddy right?.. you wanted this so I expect it to be amazing... all though anything involving you is more than amazing.. you never disappoint.." I smiled and nodded. He pulled down his pants so they were at his ankles along with his boxers, I licked my lips as I stared at his length. "Can I start?" I asked as I looked up at him, desperately wanting a taste. Henry shook his head "not yet... I wanna hear you beg for me Stanley..." for some reason hearing him say my name.. the way he did.. instantly got me 3 times harder. I blushed hard "p-please daddy..?.." he laughed a little as his fingers combed through my hair "not quite...keep going.. you're doing great.." how can he be so sweet and so sexy at the same time??? I don't get it! "Please daddy let me suck Your cock... I..." I whimpered softly "I need it!.. I crave it..." he bit his lip, that definitely seemed to please him but he didn't say anything so I kept going "I want you in my mouth so badly daddy... I want your cum down my throat.. please!" I pleaded. This really seemed to satisfy Henry "of course kitten.. id be more than happy to give you that..." he gripped my hair and moved my face towards his length, I opened my mouth as I took in all 7 inches.
//I stopped at this part and an hour later I came back and was like "what a weird place to stop at" and then I realized I stopped to go on pornhub and look up videos of 7 inch dicks lmao//
I already had saliva dripping out of my mouth as he gripped my hair, moving my head quickly. I gagged a bit every once and a while but I honestly was loving this so much, especially Henry's growling and moaning... "f-fuck baby you feel amazing..." Henry groaned "you look so gorgeous with daddy's cock down your throat.." I blushed and looked up at him, our eyes meeting. The need to be touched started to get unbearable.. I need him to touch me.. I absolutely have to be touched! I whimpered and groaned as I tried grinding against Henry's leg so he'd know, I couldn't really talk since my mouth was.. full. He groaned and pulled my head away, a string of saliva connecting me and his hard member. I got closer into reach as he pulled down my thong "I'm gonna give you.. two minutes.. to cum.. ok baby? If you don't cum in that time I'm gonna stop touching you until I cum ok?" I panted softly as I tried to catch my breath, I nodded "yes daddy..." he smiled and kissed me gently "good boy.." he wrapped his hand around my erect length, causing my hips to buck slightly "f-fuck!... mmm-.." I tried to stay quiet but after spitting on my dick he started jerking me off really fast... and I mean really fast, I whimpered loudly and moaned even louder. This.. this is amazing.. I've never felt so good! I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, my legs shaking slightly "henryyy!" I groaned. Henry was carefully studying my face, glancing at the time on the car dashboard a few times "times almost up kitten... you better cum..." I whimpered loudly, I was so close.. Henry grinned evilly, he leaned closer and whispered into my ear in a needy voice, speaking softly and desperately "please.. cum for me baby.. cum hard for daddy.. pleaseee..." Jesus Christ my eyes rolled back as I started cumming violently onto the back seat of the car. He bit his lip and watched "you're being so... so good for me.." I tried to relax my body and catch my breath.
A minute later Henry gently caressed my face "are you ready to start pleasing daddy again?.. or do you need more time to catch your breath?.." he gently kissed my forehead. I smiled softly "I'm ready...." his hands immediately went to the back of my head and I went back to sucking his dick. We have never had such.. amazing... kinky... blissful.. sex before.. this was better than I imagined. I love Henry so much... I wanna be with him forever. All of a sudden Henry grips my hair tighter and he speeds up as he slams his cock into my throat. Letting out the most beautiful and sexy moans I've ever heard "oh god Stanley.. fuck yes baby.. fuckk!" I felt the warm liquid slide down my throat as he slowly pulled out, his legs shaking. I swallowed and sat up, breathing heavily. Henry leaned back "oh my god Stanley that was...." I Bit my lip and looked up at him, waiting for him to finish "perfect.." I blushed and smiled. "Thanks Henry..." He panted "you're so gorgeous..." he looked me up and down "I'm so fucking lucky to have you.." I smiled wider "Awh... I feel the same way... I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.." he smiled back "hehe... turn around so I can untie you.." I nodded and turned around as he untied me, he pulled up his boxers and pants after cleaning up our mess as I rubbed my slightly sore wrists. He kissed me passionately before climbing back up to the drivers seat, I got dressed right after and got back to my spot. We put our seatbelts on and went back to driving.

For the next hour basically all Henry would talk about is how 'I'm so gorgeous' and how 'that felt better than anything he's ever felt' and how 'I'm so perfect' god I was blushing so hard and despite the fact that whenever he said one of those I'd tell him to stop playfully but we both knew I loved the compliments. I really couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Henry reached over and grabbed my hand, it was somewhat starting to get dark and we were over an hour away from the nearest town and since my poor wittle henry was tired we switched, I was now in the drivers seat as Henry snored quietly. He's so adorable when he's sleeping.. I smiled to myself and kept driving until I could see city lights in the distance, not Sacramento but we were getting a lot closer. I drove to the hotel we called earlier and parked the car. I looked over at Henry and whispered "baby..." he didn't wake up so I spoke a little louder, shaking him slightly "babeee... were at the hotel!" Henry groaned and kept his eyes closed "five more minutessss" I giggled "nooo.... hen we gotta goooo I'm sleepy and I wanna cuddle... please?" He yawned softly and sat up, finally opening his eyes. Immediately smiling "woah..." I blushed and giggled again "huh?.." Henry shook his head slightly and got out of the car "you're just... really beautiful.." I blushed harder and smiled "thanks handsome.." he also blushed a little as he grabbed both of our duffle bags out of the trunk. We walked into the lobby and got our room keys. Heading up to the third floor where our room is.


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