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Henry's POV

We were cuddling... UNTIL!!..


Stanley screamed at the screen as he played the video game. I stood up and yelled "WOO!!.. HOOOOO!!!.. I WON!!.. HA!!.. BEAT THAT URIS!!" I laughed (hahah I bet you thot that would be durty huh..SIKE!). Stanley stood up on his bed "I MAY HAVE LOST THE RACE BUT I AM STILL THY'TH BEST PRINCESS EVER!!" I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist "indeed you are" I smiled up at him

Stanley's POV

"I MAY HAVE LOST THE RACE BUT I AM STILL THY'TH BEST PRINCESS EVER!!" Henry laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist "indeed you are" He smiled up at me and I smiled back, I sat down and he still had his arms wrapped around me. I smiled and leaned in, almost every time we kissed it felt as if it was our first time.. it felt amazing.. it was like electricity.. but not that bad kind that makes you wanna slap your friend in the face for shocking you when you try to grab your pencil, it was the kind that made you get butterflies.. the kind that made you wanna kiss that person for ever.. the kind that let you know.. "this is real" I accidentally said that out loud and Henry shot me a confused looked. "What's real?" He asked and I smiled a bit "this.. what we have.. it's real.." he smiled and laughed quietly. "Of course, why wouldn't it be?. I love you and that's never gonna change.."............. that phrase.. the phrase he said..'of course, why wouldn't it be?. I love you and that's never gonna change.." i kept replaying his words throughout my head and blushed, looking deep into his eyes.. seeing the Henry only I knew.. there was about a 8% chance that his friends have ever seen that side of him.. in that moment I felt like we were the only ones left in this world we call our home.. until my mom walked in and practically yelled "I BOUGHT CoNdOmS!!!" She held two packs.. large.. and small.. "sweetie I know you aren't that big yet so just Incase you were more of the "dominant person" I got you small.. oh and Henry.. I got you a large.. not to embarrass anyone but I saw that "tent" you had in your pants.." Henry and I blushed "mom get out.. please"

Henry's POV

We'll that was interesting.. his mom walked out and I turned back to stan, he looked down blushing. I smirked "she obviously doesn't know her child.. she said you needed a small.." He laughed and threw the smaller box away "you definitely will be using the large.." I laughed a bit more and he laughed with me, I threw him the box but he threw it back "hey-.. don't give them to me.. your the man when it comes to sex..." I smirked, I tend to do that, Even if I'm not trying to.. I think smirking is one of the things I'm best at. I grabbed one out f the box and laughed. I tore it open and blew it up "hey babe you got a marker?" I laughed

Stanley's POV

"Hey babe you have a marker?" He asked after blowing up the condom and tying it. I laughed and handed him a marker "oh no.." I said and he started drawing on it. He turned it around and it looked like a giant penis and I started laughing my ass off, he held it to his crotch "I think this is accurate isn't it?" We both started laughing and I spoke after I coughs my breath for a couple second "Yep.. definitely accurate" we both laughed harder and I held my stomach. Something I do to try to get the aching pain in my stomach to go away when I laugh. He stopped laughed and looked at me. I looked back and also quit my laughing. He threw the ballon and pinned me to the side of the bed, he started kissing me passionately and I kissed back.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now