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Henry's POV

I was so happy to finally have him back in my arms, after days of emptiness. I'd close my eyes and cuddle with my pillow and pretend it was stan but it didn't work. I would pay a million dollars just to keep him in my arms for the rest of my life. Stanley is the reason I'm not that much of an ass anymore. He saved me from years of anger. He will never understand how fucking thankful I am to have such a beautiful, strong human being in my life.... we fell asleep but woke up a little while after. I heard the front door slam shut "Henry you piece of shit I told you to clean up the kitchen!" Henry's father yelled. Henry jumped up and looked at stan sleeping.. I prayed he wouldn't wake up. I covered him with the blanket and got up "I'm coming dad.. I'll clean it right now.. sorry,..." I silently got up and ran out of my room to the kitchen. I tried to clean it as fast as I could. If stan wakes up he's gonna come out here to see what I'm doing.. and then my dad will see stan.. and then.. my dads gonna murder me.. "Henry, I'm gonna go take one of your notebooks out of your room. I need it for work.." he walked towards my room "NO!" I yelled and sprinted towards my room. I stood in front of the door "my uh-.. my room smells horrible I wouldn't want you having to suffer through that.. I'll get it." He grabbed my arm and pulled me away "I can get it myself, go finish cleaning the kitchen, oh and after that I need the living room cleaned. A couple of the guys are coming over to watch the football game" Henry panicked "it smells really bad you can't go in there!!" Henry's dad growled and pushed past him. The door opened and revealed Stanley buttoning up one of my shirts, thank the lord he was just finishing up changing and not completely naked. My dad looked at me and then back at stan "Henry.. what's going on?" He clenched his fist . I backed up away from him "I-...I can explain.." Stanley blushed heavily and looked at me. He saw I didn't know what to do so he spoke up "I'm sorry-.i-.." he got an idea.. "please don't call the police.. I can't afford clothes so I thought I'd ste-.." my dad slammed his fist against the wall "shut the fuck up I know who you are mr Uris and I know your family has more than enough money. Why the fuck are you in my sons room half naked?!" Henry tried to walk into the room to stan but his dad pushed him away. Henry yelled "HEY!.. let me go into my fucking room!!" Henry's dad glared at him "I know what's going on.. I'll let you go into your room once that fag leaves!" Henry pushed his dad "don't call him that!!!" He pushed Henry right back causing him to fall to the floor. He tried not to tear up. Henry's dad looked at stan "leave.. now.." stan opened his mouth to talk but he knew better than to do that. He grabbed his stuff and walked passed them running out the front door. Stanley prayed that he wouldn't hurt Henry. once Stanley left Henry's dad grabbed him by the arm. He pulled him to his room and went to his closet "Your in so much fucking trouble.." he grabbed a thick black leather belt and folded it in half, he slapped it against his hand "do you know how disgusted I am?" He walked closer to henry.. Henry teared up and turned around, covering his face with his hands, he's gotten whipped before but with thinner belts. He knew that his back would be he least dangerous to get hit. His dad brought his hand back and used all his strength to slap the belt to Henry's skin. Henry arched his back and yelled In pain. Stanley sat outside the house bawling his eyes out, too scared to call the cops. He could hear the noise the belt made. Reddening Henry's back. Leaving cuts and bruises and welts. Henry could never remember a time his father was so.. so angry. He usually took his anger out on Henry but never this bad. He finally stopped and threw the belt at him "clean up this mess.." he pointed to the little drops of blood that dropped onto the hard wood surface in mr Bowers bedroom. Henry nodded and walked out of the room to grab a towel.

Henry Bowers x Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now