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Henry's POV

I ACTUALLY GOT HIM TO LET ME SPEND THE NIGHT!!.. and then!.. he winked at me!!.. jsjshshs "what's that wink mean?.." I laughs and kiss his jaw.. "i uh... I-.. it means..." it's like he completely shut down... I laugh "I'm just kidding" "w-... what if I'm not kidding...." gulp.... I kinda just sat their in shock.. "I mean... I'm down for anything but...... I won't do anything your not comfortable with..." he just smiled at me.. "good!" "That proves your a good boyfriend!.." I laugh a little and lay on his bed.. "your not sleeping with me!" He says and I whine "I already told you I won't do anything your not comfortable with!" ... "I don't know...." he replies.. I give him puppy dog eyes again "please...." he makes a weird groaning noise ... "UHG!, I can't say no to that!" We both laugh and he stands up.

Stanley's POV

I actually agreed to let him sleep in my bed!!.. I mean.. it can't be that bad.. he's actually really nice and I like cuddling with him!.. I got up cause I needed to change and so I took my shirt off some how forgetting he was there and I noticed him staring and I couldn't help but blush... let's just say I'm not the fittest person in the world... I quickly grab my shirt and cover myself up.. "why were you watching me!?!" I ask still as red as a tomato "you never told me you were gonna change and once you started taking your shirt off I couldn't look away!" He says defending himself but it only made me blush more.. "ok well... I need to change now... and I uh... don't want you staring...." "I understand" He says looking away but then looks back at me.. "Henry.." I laugh "I can't look away!!.. why can't you just change in front of me!?" He practically whines. I laugh a little "because that's weird... and I'm like.. super insecure!.." "aww why?.. I'm sure your body is beautiful!" He tells me but I shake my head "no Henry look away..." he sighs .. and finally looks away. I continued changing . "Ok I'm done now!" I say and he looks at me and smiles. I lay back down by him and hug him.

Henry's POV

It was so hard not to watch him change.. but somehow I managed .. He laid back down and since I was still in my clothes from earlier I was pretty uncomfortable... so I started taking my shirt off and threw it in the floor Stanley stared at me "I uh... woah!" I assume he was referring to my abs and huge muscles (not trying to brag) I laugh "you like what you see?" I say laughing and he blushes "y-yeah.." he said still staring "my eyes are up here!" I say pointing to my eyes.. he blushes more and I start taking my pants off since I usually sleep in boxers..

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