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Henry's POV

This is it.... he's gonna dump me.. out relationship will soon be over.. I screwed up... badly.. I will NEVER forgive myself. What was I thinking!?..

Stanleys POV

Henry looked absolutely petrified.. I just wanted to kiss him and tell him it was okay but it wasn't okay.. it really wasn't...well at least that's what I assume my parents are thinking . I actually think it was kinda sweet in a way.. and extremely embarrassing.. but oh well..

Henry's POV

I-...I feel pretty bad.. Stanley must be so embarrassed.. I didn't mean to say that.. I didn't mean to tell his parents how fucking great their son was in bed, and how badly I wanna do it again.. I don't even think my brain was working at all..I looked over at stan and his face was bright red. I then looked over at his mom which looked offended almost for some odd reason.. and then.. I didn't want to but I couldn't stop myself.. I looked over at his dad.. he clenched his cutting knife in his hand and also clenched his teeth.. he gave me the death stare and I have to admit.. I was scared.. I probably looked absolutely.. petrified..

Stanley's POV

I mean.. it was kinda nice.. knowing he enjoyed it so much.. but I'd much rather have my parents NOT know about this.. I should have been mad.. I should have yelled and then ran to my room to cry.. but I didn't.. nope.. instead.. I started laughing, and I mean LAUGHING!!.. I started laughing my fucking head off and everyone just looked at me like I was crazy..

Henry's POV has

Why the fuck is he laughing!?!?.. this isn't fucking funny.. I'm surprised he didn't yell and like run up to his room to cry or something.. he just sat there laughing his ass off while I just sat there confused as hell

Stanley's POV

I finally stopped laughing for a second and spoke up "HA!!.. YOU JUST TOLD MY PARENTS HOW GOOD I AM IN BED!!.. HAHAH!!.. THIS IS HILARIOUS!!.. THEYRE GONNA REMEMBER THAT FOREVER!!.. HA!!.."

Henry's POV

His mom started laughing a little and then she looked at mr Uris and he couldn't help but laugh too. Soon enough we were all laughing and I have to admit.. at first I was terrified and felt like a total monster but it turns out I'm actually a fucking clown.. clowns aren't monsters.. // ;) //


Stanley's POV

After dinner my mom and dad started cleaning and excused me and Henry from the table. I grabbed his hand and walked up to my room. "That wasn't so bad.." I giggled quietly and he laughed "Yeah.. "wasn't so bad" he looked at me "sorry about that" I just laughed again "it's fine.." I reassured him. He laid down and sighed "Damn today's been a long day.." I laid next to him and wrapped my skinny arms and legs around him, laying my head on his chest. "I agree.." he smiled at me "you're adorable" I blush and smile back "thanks hottie" I wink and he laughs again "Your welcome gorgeous.." I smile more and hide my face

Henry's POV

I am SO close!!.. to killing myself right now..


//I bet you guys weren't expecting ANYTHING that happened in this chapter huh? ;) I know.. oh and make sure you guys comment more on my chapters and include ideas you have to improve or make the story more interesting. Oh and Also be sure to vote!!..//

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