Chapter 1

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When Lance was younger, singing had been his fate. His destiny, His every part of his soul. The rhythm, the melody, the harmony, the music notes, and the fascination of having to complete one song after the other. Music well...had created his very existence. 

He loved singing so much that he joined his high school chorus. He made friends with others who were just as passionate. Even when Band and Chorus had a collaboration concert, he'd hang out with Pidge, who played Clarinet, and Hunk, who played drums. 

They'd go out to eat after every concert, ready and excited for the next. One day, he decided to audition for a solo in the song, Joyful from Sister Act II in a Christmas concert. He was thrilled when he made the part but on the day of his concert...

Lance woke up to the sound of his alarm, the Yuri On Ice instrumental piano song. He slowly got up and looked around his room, which was filled with posters of different bands and singers. 

"Good morning, Beyonce, you're still looking hella fine," he greets as he shuffles off his bed. He looks to his right, taking in these gods. "Panic At The Disco, Set It Off. Bless."

 Lance grabs a towel and goes to his shower. Taking off his clothes, he looks at his chest, stomach, and arms.

The old battle scars remain on his body. "Hmm," Lance hummed as he looked up and down in the mirror. "I must've cut a bit too deep. I'm pretty sure these will not go away for years." He gets in the shower, thinking back to his past when he lost everything in seconds.

When he made it outside to get to school, he heard music coming from his direction. Going towards an intersection, He noticed people from his school passing out flyers. "Must be the musical club," He thought. He took a closer look at a boy who was next to the people passing out flyers.

"Wait isn't that--" He froze, looking at the gorgeous being who was singing so beautifully. 

His hair down his back, red trench coat with fur on his hood, his pale skin that was soft and glistening in the morning light. Not to mention his eyes-oh god his eyes- purple lilac that could make you stare for hours without realizing time even passed. This man was perfect. 

"Keith," he accidentally called. Keith turned towards him as he continued singing. His eyes widened and turned right back to the audience that circled him on that corner sidewalk. His face looked like it turned pink for a split second, going back to the previous posture as if Lance hadn't called him at all. 

Lance sat in his classroom, thinking about Keith. "He had a mullet the hell did it grow out so nicely," Lance questioned himself as he cut off the teacher's voice. College sure is weird. He never knew people can become even BETTER than how they were in high school. 

Sure Keith was already beautiful then, but how he looks NOW? Who the fuck was high school Keith? He doesn't exist anymore.

Lance was appalled that he even complimented his former chorus rival. They hated each other to the max, trying to out-voice each other in every song to cut off the other. Sure they only were forced to hang out because their mutual friends were Pidge and Hunk, but they still argued no matter who they were with and wherever they went. 

After remembering those moments in the chorus, he remembered the accident. He also remembered his heartbreak and everything in between that was caused by THAT event.

 He laid his head down on his desk, trying to not cry and remind himself that he must keep this walls up. 


"boop," Lance randomly heard someone say as he was poked on his head. He was a bit angry. Not only because someone disturbed his nap, but also because they are "booping" his head. He groaned loudly to show that he wants to be a loner.

"Aw, baby lance is sappy because he wants his nap," he heard some other people say. He hmphed and turned towards the aggravating voices. A face with glasses was all in his space staring at him with a smile. "Well too bad, get your bitch baby ass up so I can go get my frappe," they said. He sat up quickly and looked at the two, finally waking up fully.

"Oh, hey hunk," Lance happily greeted. Hunk happily waved back. He looked down to meet the eyes of Satan. "Pidge," Lance said in monotone. "failure," they greeted back.

"Lance, do you want to go hang out at Starbucks with us," Hunk asked. Lance did his perfect pretend smile. "Yeah, let's go." He grabbed his things, shoving them in his book bag carelessly and heads out the door with them.


"You saw WHO," Pidge questioned. Lance put down his caramel cappuccino. "Yeah, I saw him singing on the street, he looked amazing," Lance explained. Hunk took another sip of his Pumpkin Spice Latte and put it on the table. "Does he still have the.." Hunk slowly asked. "Nah, his mullet grew out, it's down his back now actually," Lance answered. He wasn't going to mention how Keith looked gorgeous and was an angel in his eyes. That's too awkward.

"So, I hear you're talking about me," a voice spoke from a short distance. Lance froze, wide-eyed and quickly turn around. Those lilac eyes from that morning stared in his, piercing into his soul. "Ke-"

"HOLY SHIT IT'S KEITH," Pidge interrupted Lance as she hopped out of her seat to give him a hug. Keith chuckled as he returned the hug, giving a wave to hunk as well. Lance glares at Pidge. They notice, but continue hugging Keith anyways.

"Where the hell have you been," she asked. "uhh..busy I guess," Keith answered. Lance stared at Keith as he continued talking to Pidge. He could see through Keith's lies, there is more than just "busy". He wants to pry but decides not to. Lance does the same thing, and he also prefers no one to know his inner thoughts.

"Sharpshooter," Keith says. Lance stops spacing out. "I know I'm hot, but I'd appreciate if you did not stare." Lance gets flustered and looks back at his Cappuccino.

"I wasn't looking at you, first of all," he lied."And sharpshooter? It's been a long time since I've been called that."

Lance drinks half of his cappuccino and hands it to Keith. "You want my drink Samurai, it's mixed with the ingredients of boyfriend material."

Keith's face turns red as Pidge laughs and Hunk covers his face and shakes his head, saying "Annnd there's our Lance."

Keith grabs it from him. He sits next to him in the booth and twirls his tongue around the straw before indirectly kissing his cappuccino, eyeing at Lance. Lance's mouth agape, mentally blessing this boy. "Uh, guys let's not," Hunk cringes and sips on his drink.

Hunk looks at his phone and checks the time. "Oh no, we're going to be late," Hunk cries. He quickly stands up from his seat and grabs Pidge. "HUNK IF YOU WON'T LET ME GO-" Hunk blurs out Pidge's voice by saying his goodbyes. "Nice seeing you again Keith, let's hang out together later ." Keith and Lance smiled and awkwardly waved them goodbye.

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