Reasons Why They Cry

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Arnav was not even in his room when he heard the loud cries of two familiar voices. He pushed the door open and saw Khushi sitting on the edge of the bed holding her lowered head into her palms.

Their weeping two years olds lay down on the carpet surrounded by their toys.

Arnav - Khushi, why are they crying?

He kept his coat and laptop on the recliner before kneeling down to get his girls up.

Khushi - Aarushi's doll dropped off her hands, so she started crying. And Arshi is crying just because Aarushi is crying!

He raised his brows looking in confusion at her. He moved his gaze to the doll into her lap.

Arnav - Why didn't you just give it back to her?

Khushi - Because I love to seem them crying!

He registered the sarcastic reply as she got up and flared her nose keeping her hands on her hips.

Khushi - She isn't taking it. She's just stuck on the fact that it fell! That's it!

He chuckled nodding in denial.

* * *

Arnav looked down as suddenly a baby scream hit his ears. He got up from the sofa and caught a glimpse of his crying Aarushi.

Stepping out of the study, he went downstairs to look into the matter.

Arnav - Khushi, what happened to her?

Khushi - She's crying because she ate up all her chocolate.

She answered after carrying Aarushi and patting her back. He noticed the empty wrapper in Aarushi's hand.

It needed him a bit of effort to not start laughing at her antics. Aarushi could cry literally for the funniest reasons!

Arnav - Just give her another chocolate and she'll stop crying.

Khushi - There's no more chocolate at home. She ate up all!

He took a step ahead to console his angel when they heard another cry echo in the hall. They turned to Arshi. Of course! How can she be left behind?

* * *

„Khushi, I called you twice before. Why didn't you pick up?"

Khushi attended her husband's call only to be yelled on by him.

Khushi - How could I? Your princesses are just getting on my nerves.

Arnav - What happened now?

He asked concerned about both his wife and the twins.

Khushi - What else? Their same old habit. They've been crying since so long. I don't know what do I do!?

Arnav - And why are they crying? You must have scolded them.

Khushi - Of course. I'm the one to be blamed. Always!

She fumed to which he rolled his eyes unknown to her.

Arnav - Fine. Tell me why are my angels crying?

Khushi - Because Arshi doesn't want to go anywhere. And Aarushi just started crying because you know, whenever either of them cries, the other too starts.

Arnav - But where doesn't she want to go?

Khushi - I. Don't. Know. I really don't know. I told her we won't go anywhere. She's still crying.

A low chuckle escaped his mouth getting her temper up.

Khushi - You think it's funny!? Only I know how I'm able to talk to you after closing the poolside door! But why would be care!?

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