The Morning Jog

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Arnav entered his bedroom after returning from his morning jog and was attacked by his three years old twins who hugged each of his legs and sat down on his feet. He looked down in confusion as to what kind of new game was this.

Arnav - Good morning sweeties.

Arshi, Aarushi - Goooood moning. NO!

He frowned and chuckled waiting for them to free him but they weren't leaving his legs. So he turned to the person he knew could explain their behaviour.

Arnav - Khushi-

Khushi - You promised them something last night.

She entered from the poolside holding their cuddly toys they'd thrown around and kept them on the bed.

Arnav pondered and remembered it all. He had been late for his jogging yesterday, so at the time he returned they were up and bombarded him with their questions about where he was and why he goes jogging etc. He'd replied it keeps him fit and healthy. So they insisted they''ll be coming along with him next day. At night they didn't forget it and made him promise he'll wake them up and take them. But of course he didn't wake his little sleeping beauties.

Arnav - that's why they are wishing me a good morning, not.

They flared their noses looking up at him.

Khushi - They woke up and asked straightaway where you were.

Arnav - So you both really wanted to go jogging?

Arshi, Aarushi - Yeeesh!!!

Khushi looked at him nodding in denial. But he couldn't break his promise.

Arnav - Ok, tomorrow. I promise I will wake you up and take you both on jogging.

They looked at each other and got off his feet standing. They pouted their lips looking up at him.

Aarushi - Pomish?

He pecked their pouts nodding. This was their way to seal promises ever since they got curious about him and Khushi kissing and asked why they kissed each other. Khushi of course was shy and said they were sealing their promise with a kiss. Since then all of their promises are always sealed with a kiss on the lips.

Arnav - I pomish!

Arshi - You beak pomish, then I mad.

Arshi shows him her big round eyes, trying to scare him. While Aarushi used the tactic her mother uses. Blackmailing.

Aarushi - And you beak pomish, no kissh.

Khushi kept his clothes and a fresh towel on the bed and giggled at her twins' threats.

Arnav - Wow. This time it's quite serious. I better not break my promise.

Khushi - Yes. Else you'll see Choti Laad Governor's wrath and have a lifetime ban on kissing your Barbie doll.

They laughed at their Mumma but stopped as they looked back at him with seriousness. He chuckled and nodded in denial progressing towards the bathroom for a shower.


So next day Arnav got up at 7 O'clock and woke up his angry birds who were cranky and took their own sweet time to open their eyes. He changed them into their sportswear.

Arshi was dressed up in a black printed yoga pants and a blue t-shirt. Arshi would mostly wear everything they got for her unless it was ugly and she disliked it.

But Aarushi was a diva. She wouldn't wear anything that wasn't approved by her. Her wardrobe looked like the inside of a unicorn. All pink and glitter. She was all set to leave in a pink shorts with a glitter motive of Barbie and a white t-shirt which had "Barbie" written on it. Additionally she had him do her hair in a ponytail so she could wear her pink baseball cap which matched her outfit and her pink shoes perfectly.

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