The Gupta House Visit

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This prompt was given by @Farmeen30 who asked to write on twins with Shashi.




A white Mercedes stopped in Laxmi Nagar right in front of the Gupta House and everyone in the street knew one of their daughters has come on a visit. For a moment everyone stopped to watch who gets out of the car. People stood at their verandas and windows to look at Khushi and her husband getting out of the vehicle.

While Arnav moved to open the back doors, Khushi scanned the neighbourhood passing greeting smiles to everyone before opening the back door of her side and carrying her three years old toddler in her arms while Arnav had already taken the other one.

Happy - Oh look who's here. My two favorite persons in the world.

Both Arnav and Khushi smiled at him as Happy approached them and greeted the twins his usual manner. Aarushi grinned wide looking at him.

Aarushi - Appy anthal

Happy - How have my little my friends been? Missed your Happy uncle?

Khushi - Of course they did. That's why we're here. Isn't it?

She looked at her twins who nodded nicely and waved at him.

Shashi - And they didn't miss their Nanu?

Arnav and Khushi turned happily to Shashi now. Twins already put on their happiest face in excitement.

Arshi, Aarushi - Nanuuuuu

Arshi opened her arms immediately to be taken by him and Arnav passed her to Shashi before touching his feet for greeting. Shashi stopped him but smiling and kept his hand on his head blessing him.

Khushi side hugged him.

Khushi - Babuji, how are you?

Shashi - I'm absolutely fine bitiya, just missed my little granddaughters a lot.

Aarushi - We hea Nanu.

Shashi - Yes yes. Finally.

They giggled and Arnav excused himself to park the car in Happy's garage while the father daughter duo went into the house.

The twins were left down once inside. Shantivan is guarded and isolated but Gupta House is open and lays at a busy street so the kids are never left alone or down outside.

But the second they were left down, they were picked up again by Garima and Madhumati.

Garima - See who's here, our little angels.

Arshi hugged her Nani happily while Aarushi pulled Buaji's cheeks and giggled in excitement. She held her doll in front of her face.

Aarushi - Moti Naniiii, no kish mah Barbie?

Khushi - Aaru! Didn't I forbid you not to call her that? It's disrespectful.

She glared her daughter who pouted in response. The title Moti Nani was invented by Akshay and twins learned it from him. Although Madhumati never minded it, Khushi did.

Shashi - Bitiya, don't start scolding them already. You just came. Sit down and let us spend some time with our granddaughters.

Khushi sighed but smiled looking at their happy faces. Even though both Payal and Khushi make sure to visit their parents at least once in the month, the three get sad whenever they go back to RM with kids. That's why Shashi, Garima and Madhumati appreciate each and every second they get to spend with their daughters and their grandkids.

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