Rakhi Protection Force at Work

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The Raizada family was gathered at the dining table having breakfast. Everyone was eating except of the kids who were being fed by their mothers simultaneously.

Akshay was sitting in Payal's lap while the twins preferred to sit on the table with their legs hanging in the air.

All the people sitting there were staring their bundles of joy in astonishment who had gone over to take their tasks of protection quite far.

Everything Payal and Khushi were eating, their children were tasting before them.

Akshay - All well. You can eat Mumma.

Payal just sighed at him and started eating as she was finally allowed to.

Akshay then scanned the table and look across towards his sisters who nodded at him and as soon Khushi touched a bowl Arshi stopped her while Aarushi grabbed a spoonful.

She grimaced and Khushi quickly grabbed a tissue to make her spit it out in that rather than all over the table.

Khushi - You both, enough now. Stop with this act.

Aarushi - Mumma, no eat. Thish no good. Shoo bad.

Aarushi pushed the bowl away so her mother doesn't eat the horrible dish.

Khushi facepalmed herself and everyone exchanged looks and silently giggled hiding from Arnav as it was his bitter gourd dish sweet-toothed Aarushi just tasted.

Khushi - It is not for me. That's your Daddy's.

Arshi - Oh. Then good. Hea Daddy eat.

She pushed it towards Arnav who narrowed his eyes at her. Arshi grinned at him and Aarushi made a pitying noise.

Aarushi - Tch tch tch tch.

Anjali - So they didn't forget it?

Anjali finally asked wondering it. Usually her nieces tend to forget such small happenings and move the next day.

Payal - Actually twins had forgotten it but this little guy here didn't and he took it as his task to remind them too.

Akshay - I'm just doing my duty. We promised to protect you and Massi and we will. Isn't it Arshi?

Arshi - Yesh. We Mumma blother. And we potec.

Aarushi - Me too. My Barbie alsho help.

She raised her Barbie up for everyone to see earning smiles in return.

Khushi - They're going overboard with this. I hope they stop and get back to their usual playing and riding cars.

Arnav - Oh now you appreciate the cars.

She flared her nose at him and he chuckled turning back to his food. After tying the Rakhis they had followed her around whole day and not let her out of sight for a second.

They even demanded to be taken along when she went to washroom. At first she found it cute but now it was getting too much for her.

She held a glass of juice to drink but was again stopped by Arshi.

Arshi - No no. Fisht I tesht.

Khushi was on the verge of exploding but had to remain calm for the whole family was around.

Arshi took a sip and passed it to Aarushi who too drank few drops before returning it to her mother.

Arshi - All good. Now you dink.

Arnav stared his daughters who seemed to have changed from Daddy's little girls to Mumma's bodyguards forgetting him completely.

Arnav - Won't you taste my drink too?

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