The Wedding Video

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It wasn’t easy to work with two little people surrounding you, sighing every other moment against your back, leaning in your lap and demanding your attention. Although there was important work to do, he wasn't really making any progress despite his best effort at concentrating. His three years old were adamant at not letting their Daddy dearest finish his work so he can much rather spend his time with them.

Arnav - Arshu, Aaru, I’ve told you to play with your guitar or whatever. I’ll just do this and then we’ll play together.

They both looked at each other, one standing behind his back on the couch and the other trying to stick as much to his chest as possible and push her head into his neck. They both sighed loudly and mutually for their father to notice their need of attention.

Arshi - Buh we no pay. We mish Mumma.

Aarushi - Yesh. Coh Mumma, lite now! Babiesh need Mumma.

They charged at him with puppy eyes and an innocent pout nobody can resist, definitely not their very own sweet Daddy.

Arnav - You know, Mumma is at your Nani Maa’s place. They need her. She’ll be back soon.

Khushi was gone to Laxmi Nagar. The three headed family were sick and Khushi had gone since morning to take care of them. They decided it was best to not take twins along since their immunity system was just like their mother’s, weak and prone to infections much more than of healthier kids. Besides, with them there Khushi wouldn't be able to really take care of the others for these two would demand all her attention and care.

Aarushi - U sho badh Daddy. Why no shtop Mumma? She go, u let. I no fo-give.

He raised a brow at her as his parrot scolded him, putting allegations on him. He looked over to Arshi, for she's the alpha usually. But she was suspiciously quiet, observing him but then swiftly rested her head on his shoulder, hugging his neck loosely with her arms.

He slid her to the front into his arms and caressed her hair. 

Arnav - Arsh, baby, what happened? Daddy is here. Everything alright?

He was genuinely worried. Arshi was a lot like him and he had been a very normal child like he used to be during his childhood, but sometimes she would be eerily silent and disinterested in things, like his adulthood. And now seeing her like that, he put his work aside and rather wanted to entertain his lil girls until Khushi came back, who was on her way back.

Arnav - Missing Mumma? Ok, let’s do whatever you want. I’ll work later.

He shut his laptop down and got up carrying his delicate twin while the other one stood there with mouth open wide, not liking being sidelined.

Aarushi - Mishta Laijada! No lishen me! Only Alshi. No luv me? Sho badh. I com-pain Mumma.

She looked up at him, pointing with a finger, smoke clearly visible exiting through her nostrils.

Arnav - Aaru, you too doll. C’mon, we’ll do whatever you two want. So tell me, what do you want to do?

He went to bed and kept Arshi there, helping Aarushi climb up afterwards who wouldn’t look at him. She was not pleased with him favoring her sister over herself.

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