An Interview

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I drafted it fast as it had been a while since I updated it.

Khushi - Arshuuu, Aaruuu, stop beta.

She ran behind them with sippers of milk who keenly spurted into the lounge and to their Daddy sitting there with a lady. They stood in front of him smiling and scanned the woman from the corners of their eyes.

Aarushi, Arshi - Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!

Arnav - Hey, you two.

He smiled at them holding them who they then turned towards the lady who seemed to be admiring the trio.

Aarushi - Who u?

Arshi moved closer looking at the gadget in her hand and blinked at her sternly.

Arshi - Wat thish?

Arnav held both pulling them closer. Khushi just the came running and stopped right beside looking apologetically at them.

Khushi - I'm so sorry, they just came running. Aaru, Arshi, you two come here. Daddy is having an interview, don't disturb him.

Arnav - It's ok.

He smiled at her but the two were being disturbed by their parents. They glared at both silencing them.

Arshi - Hush! She shay!

Aarushi - U mish shay.

They asked her to speak up who couldn't help but admire these two little cuties in front of her.

Sarah - My name is Sarah. And you two are...?

Arshi - Alshi Shingh Laizada. Thish mah lil shishtah, Aalu.

Aarushi - Aalu-shi! Aalushi Shingh Laizada! No foget, Alshi!

The three adults laughed silently at their cute banter. Arshi just shrugged her off and then pointed to the gadget.

Arshi - No shay thish?

Miss - This is a recorder. I'm here to interview your Daddy and this records everything I ask and whatever your Daddy answers, so I can write it all down correctly later.

They look at each other and Khushi stepped closer hold Arshi's arm.

Khushi - Yes, and you both bad girls didn't even greet her before starting with this-

Arshi - Mumma, wat in-vu?

They looked up at their mother for an answer but Khushi smacked her head lightly. Their curiosity is sometimes misplaced. But their father wasn't the same opinion.

Arnav - Interview is a fun game where Miss Sarah asks me questions and I answer them.

They turn their heads between the three adults and stand leaning against the table.

Aarushi - U do. We shee.

Arnav chuckled at them but Khushi nodded in denial getting them up.

Khushi - Accha ji!? Then who will eat and drink milk?

She asked them narrowing her eyes. They passed a toothy smile at her and then answered cutely.

Arshi - Missh Shala. She hungy.

Aarushi - Yesh Mumma, no give food? Sho bad. Missh Shaa-la-la guesh.

Arnav thinned his lips in order to suppress his laughter. Khushi was also at the verge of laughing but of course couldn't afford to give in to their manipulation.

Typical Laad Governors, she thought.

Sarah also admired their adorable answer and their naughtiness. She wanted to take them in her arms and cuddle, but had to remain professional. She was not here to play with Arnav Singh Raizada's children but interview him for the business magazine.

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